GTECH 709 GIS Data Formats GIS data formats GIS hierarchies GIS data models Vector model Raster model
GTECH 709 GIS hierarchies Chrisman’s spheres ANSI SPARC model Levels of modeling
Chrisman’s Spheres
ANSI-SPARC Model for Software Development GIS are systems to model the world User Model Conceptual Model Operational Model
GIS Are Systems to Model the World User Model – how we intuitively think Conceptual Model Operational Model ANSI-SPARC Model for software development
GIS Are Systems to Model the World User Model Conceptual Model Operational Model ANSI-SPARC Model for software development how we systematically define ideas
GIS Are Systems to Model the World User Model Conceptual Model Operational Model how we fuse systematic thinking into a technologically defined context
The ANSI/SPARC Model and Chrisman’s Spheres application disciplines context discipline spatial modeling conceptual modeling logical data modeling physical data modeling OPERATIONAL geoinformation theory computer science
GTECH 709 GIS data models Digital maps as models GIS data models
Digital Maps as Models Representing a complex reality Continuous variation Spatial Data: spatial, temporal and thematic Data models Geography = ƒ ( space, time, attributes)
Digital Maps as Models Raster Model - The world as regular tessellations defined by areal property Vector Model - The world as points, lines, areas and attributes….. making objects Object Model - The world as interacting entities with spatial dimensions
GTECH 709 Vector data models Spaghetti vs topological models Vector model details Topology
Vector Data Models Spaghetti model A file of spatial data that is a just a collection of co-ordinate strings. Each entity (or piece of spaghetti) is represented by one data entry. There is no topology. Topological models Topology refers to the spatial relationships between objects. The topological model represents spatial relationships such as: length, area, connectivity, contiguity
The Vector Data Model
Vector Details Nodes Arcs Polygons
Topology Maintaining spatial relationships
Topology (2)
GTECH 709 The raster model Raster components Discrete vs. continuous
Raster Data Model
Column Row
Cell With Value
No Data
Raster Attribute Table
Coordinate Space and the Raster Dataset
Discrete vs. Continuous
GTECH 709 GIS data formats Shapefiles Geodatabases Coverages
GIS Data Formats
(ESRI) Geodatabase
Organizing Vector Data All features in a feature class have the same geometry type, the same attributes, and are located within a common geographic extent
Coverages In ArcGIS In MS Explorer