Arie Aroch
Klezmers, Yosel Bergner
Moshe Castel
The Wedding, Yosel Bergner
Landscape, Zvi Adler
Yaakov Agam
Alexandre Altman
Landscape, Zvi Shor
On the Beach of Tel Aviv, Yosel Bergner
Yitzhak Frenkel (Frenel) Landscape Safed Yitzhak Frenkel (Frenel)
Jerusalem, Jacob Eisenberg
Nachum Gutman
Ein Hod, Marcel Janco
Landscape, Marcel Janco
Pasture, Menashe Kadishman
Mane Katz
Jerusalem, Machane Yehuda Market, Ludwig Blum
Jerusalem, Jakob Eisenberg
Israel Paldi
Houses in the Landscape, Jakob Eisenscher
Tel Aviv view from the Roof, Joseph Zaritsky
Michel Kikoine Jerusalem Landscape
Landscape, Pinchus Kremegne
Woman Working, Leopold Gottlieb
Jerusalem Hauses, Pinchas Litvinovsky
Village, Abraham Manievich
On the road to Jerusalem, Marcel Janko
Moishe Kisling
Jaffa, Shaul Ohali
Landscape, Ozer Shabat
Reuven Rubin
Safed, Yitzhak Frenkel (Frenel)
The Eternal City, Shoshana Meerkin
On the River Banks, Schmuel Schlesinger
Village Road, Zvi Shor
Landscape, Schmuel Schlesinger
Jerusalem, Jaffa Gate, Shoshana Meerkin
A Woman in the Landscape In the Artist House Mordechai Levanon A Woman in the Landscape
Jaffa, Siona Tagger
Tel-Aviv Beach, Oded Feingersh
Tiberias, Yehezkel Schtreichman
Theo Tobiasse
Haifa, Yohanan Simon
The Graces Joseph Kossonogi
Yizrael Valley, Oded Feingersh
Zvi shor
Jerusalem, Jacob Eisenberg
The Synagogue in Haifa, Ozer Shabbat
Coachmen in the Flea Market, Avi Schwartz
King David Playing Jacob Wexler
Figures in the Kibbutz, Yochanan Simon
Boats in the Port, Aharon Giladi
I hope you have enjoyed my presentation. Arthur Haifa Port, Zvi Mairovich I hope you have enjoyed my presentation. Arthur