Unit 12 Specialist study in creative media production Week 3: 13th of March 2017 Research plan What ? How?
To address LO2.1 and LO2.2 you need to: To address LO2.1 identify a range of relevant academic and cultural sources for a personal research project Demonstrate ability to identify and access range of relevant academic and cultural sources. Demonstrate planned approach to research. To address LO2.2 Critically evaluate information from a range of sources to inform ideas Analyse and critically evaluate each source of information you have found ( secondary) and research you have conducted yourself ( primary). Explain how your research findings are supporting your research topic / question and FMP idea.
Research plan What. and How. LO2 Research plan What? and How? LO2.1 – identify a rage of relevant academic and cultural sources for a personal research project. Once you have identified your research topic and question you need to produce the research plan. Create a ‘mind map’ of possible research activities that you can take to inform your project idea. Identify research methods and research instruments that you can use to get the best possible findings. Analyse strength and weaknesses of each research activity. Decide which ideas to keep and which to reject or keep as an option. Be realistic getting an interview with the Prime Minister is unlikely to happen.
What to research and how? Do: Choose a topic that interests you Manage your time Use a wide range of sources Utilise questionnaires effectively Structure your answers around your main findings.
Don’t…. Assume all sources are credible Restrict yourself to one source of information ( e.g. internet only) Once you have chosen your topic, identify a question you want to try to answer. Choose a case study which narrows this down still further For example: Option: Children and Television Question: How are very young children affected by their television viewing? Case study: 2-3 year olds watching Teletubbies and The Tweenies.
Plan your research Break the research process down into: Specific questions you need to answer Specific stages Specific research tools and techniques you need to use to answer your questions ( To research who and what and how primary, secondary, etc.) A timetable for yourself
Research methods and techniques recap. Secondary research: is e.g. books, journals, newspapers, film archives, searching internet etc. Primary research is: e.g. interview techniques, observations, questionnaire, focus groups etc. quantitative research: e.g. program ratings, readership circulation figures, hits on a website, box office figures, sales of CDs and DVDs qualitative research: e.g. film reviews, games reviews, responses to news coverage, responses to advertising campaigns audience research is e.g. Audience segmentation such as age, gender, culture and ethnicity, income and social class, consumer behavior and attitudes.
Audience profile
Research continues….. Market research: e.g. competition, competitor analysis, advertising effects. Production research: e.g. costs, locations, content and crew
To address LO2.2: Critically evaluate information from a range of sources to inform ideas you will: Produce evidence from your research findings to support your belief or a view point. You will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your research tools and methods in relation to your research question. You will summarise each piece of research, evaluating the key points and pieces of information, as well as commenting on the validity of the source. You will evaluate the implication of your finding for your FMP idea. What have you learned from the research findings? How your research findings influence further ideas for FMP? What are potential problems and solutions for FMP?