Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command Soldier and Family Assistance Center Briefing Colleen Tuddenham SFAC Program Director Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command 29 October 2008
Background Installation Management Command (IMCOM) assumed mission for Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) on 15 Jun 07 in accordance with the Army Medical Action Plan (AMAP) 3 Jan 08 Full Operating Capability (FOC) Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) will - Provide a continuum of services and care to support the Warrior in Transition Unit (WTU) - Provide a safe haven that promotes healing and provides a Family with services dedicated to the needs of the Warriors in Transition and their Families
Soldier and Family Assistance Center Key Concepts 3-way Service Delivery Model - Full time provider on site in the Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) - Provider brought forward to Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) when required, such as Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) - Priority appointment at an alternate location that is convenient to Warrior in Transition (WT) 30 Continental United States (CONUS) locations to support Warrior in Transition Units (WTUs); an alternative model for Europe Staffing: 5-13 Employees at each site, depending on WTU population they support Veterans Administration (VA), Traumatic Soldiers Group Life Insurance (TSGLI), Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) and Army Wounded Warrior (AW2) in Soldier and Family Assistance Centers (SFAC’s) serving the severely injured SFAC Director is supervised by the ACS Director Virtual SFAC through Standard Facility Design/Fiscal Year 08/09 Military Construction (MILCON)
Soldier and Family Assistance Center Services Provide information and referral services Provide military personnel services Coordinate entitlements and services with local, regional, state and other federal agencies Provide transition and employment assistance Provide education services Provide Traumatic Soldiers Group Life Insurance (TSGLI) counseling and application/appeal assistance Provide social services to include financial counseling, stress management, and Exceptional Family Member Services Coordinate substance abuse information and referral for Family members
Soldier and Family Assistance Center Services (Continued) Coordinate child care and youth supervision options Provide school transition services Provide legal assistance Provide pastoral care Assist in identifying lodging resources for non-Invitational Travel Orders (ITO) Family members Register vehicles and coordinate installation access for non-medical attendants without identification (ID) cards Renew and issue new identification (ID) cards Coordinate translator services Process invitational travel claims for Families Act as information conduit to Non-Governmental Organizations Accept and manage donations
Proposed Large Soldier and Family Assistance Center Standard Design Ms. Colleen Tuddenham/703-681-7399/ 250916R JAN 08 6 of 8
Key Milestones Client Tracking System - Client Tracking System for Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) activated 22 Jul 08 Training - Facilitated Nongovernmental Organization Summit, 11 Dec 07 - Conducted Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) director training, 3-7 Dec 07; SFAC Action Planning Conference, 28-31 Jul 08 Resources - Published Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in Annex C, Fragmentary Order 2 (FRAGO), Execute Order (EXORD) 118-07 (HEALING WARRIORS), 14 Dec 07 - Deployed Hero Handbook template, 1 Jan 08 - Completed Letter of Instruction (LOI) for Donations Management, 27 May 08
Way Ahead Complete facility renovations Develop customer service metrics Develop Media Kit Include Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) in next updates to Army Community Service (ACS) regulation, accreditation standards, and Common Levels of Support standards Codify Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) staffing structure
SFAC Locations Ft. Drum Ft. Lewis West Point WRAMC Ft. Leavenworth USAREUR USAG-Kaiserslautern USAG-Heidelberg USAG-Grafenwoehr Ft. Drum Ft. Lewis West Point WRAMC Ft. Leavenworth Ft. Riley Ft. Dix Ft. Carson Ft. Belvoir Ft. Meade Ft. Irwin Ft. Leonard Wood Ft. Eustis Ft. Lee Ft. Sill Ft. Huachuca Ft. Campbell Ft. Knox Ft. Bragg Ft. Hood Balboa Ft. Jackson Ft. Wainwright Ft. Gordon Ft. Bliss Ft. Polk Ft. Stewart Ft. Richardson Ft. Sam Houston Battalion (250+) Company (35 – 250) WTU Size: USAG Hawaii Ft. Benning 9
Fort Carson Soldier and Family Assistance Center Fort Riley Soldier and Family Assistance Center Fort Carson Soldier and Family Assistance Center