How did president Hoover try to overcome great depression?


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Presentation transcript:

How did president Hoover try to overcome great depression? United States History & Government 11th Grade Boys/Girls Al-Madinah School Br. Siraj (November 15, 2018)

Hoover’s Policy of recovery Economic Cycles Experts believed that economies go through cycles and automatically recover after a slump Hoover’s Beliefs Great Depression is just another slow down His advisors thought government should do nothing He believed that government should take some actions but no direct aid to people.

Government should help different groups work together, not make decision He believed in rugged individualism – the idea that people should succeed through their own efforts People should take care of themselves and each other Government should encourage private groups to help the needy Charities should provide food and shelter not the government Only Boulder Dam project on the Colorado River did provide some help.

Peoples’ response to Hoover Democrats gained more seats in the Congress in 1930’s election Farmers burned crops and dumped milk Shantytowns were called “Hoovervilles”

Talks with bankers, businessmen and labor leaders and suggests: Hoover’s Actions Talks with bankers, businessmen and labor leaders and suggests: Presents Boulder Dam project as a model Federal Farm Board was created to help farmers working together National Credit Corporation was created to help the banks No firing Better wage No strikes

Federal Home Loan Bank Act Lowered Mortgage rates to protect farmers from foreclosures of farms. Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Provided money for projects to create jobs Used U.S. Army to drive out the WW-I veterans (“Bonus Army”) from the capitol. Americans were outraged.

Names & terms for Review Capitol, Diet Drought economic cycles Foreclosure Mortgage bread lines bonus army great depression Shantytowns soup kitchens black Tuesday Dust Bowl Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, Herbert Hoover price supports.

Answer the Following Questions Describe two weaknesses of the economy in the 1920s How did the Hawley-Smoot Tariff affect the economy? How did the Depression create shantytowns, soup kitchens, and bread lines? What did Hoover do about the “Bonus Army”? How did Hoover try to use the government to end the Depression?