Next Generation SOFIA Science Instrument – Call for Proposals Alan Rhodes NASA SOFIA Science Instrument Development Manager NASA Ames Research Center
Outline What is SOFIA Timeline for Next Generation Solicitation Philosophy of this Solicitation What has changed in this call
SOFIA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Revealing Our Dynamic Universe Planet Atmospheres Galactic Center Dust Around Black Hole Star Formation Planetary Nebula Supernova Flight Operations Planet Formation Magnetic Fields
The Birth of Planets and Stars: Finally Charting the Infall Molecular clouds Cloud cores Filaments and magnetic fields in clouds Infall Protostars and disks Morphology Stochastic accretion Feedback effect Role of turbulence versus magnetic fields The Path to Life: Water, Organics, and Dust through Cosmic Time Beginning of the light hydrides Formation of dust in the outflow of evolved stars, novae, and supernovae Spatial abundance gradients across the Galaxy Distribution of oxygen, water ice, and water vapor in different phases of planet formation. Planetary atmospheres Astrochemistry Molecular chemistry of comets and comet dust properties PAHs Extreme and Hostile Environments: Stepping Stones to Starbursts and AGNs Flows and magnetics fields near the galactic center Imaging of local starbursts Establish local truth to compare with high z Cool dust surrounding supermassive black holes
How does our universe work? How did we get here? Are we alone? How does our universe work?
SOFIA Specifications Joint US and German Observatory Telescope Illuminated Aperture: 2.5 m Elevation range: 20 – 60 degrees Wavelength range 0.3 to 1600 microns Flies up to 13.7 km (45,000 ft), above 99.9% of water vapor in the atmosphere Operational capability: > 8 research flight hours per flight > 70 Guest Observer (GO) programs per year > 800 research flight hours per year Global Operations Twenty year operational life to 2034 Major maintenance completed, no need to repeat.
Our International User Base Cycle 6 – PI & Co-I Institutions 130 Programs Selected for Cycle 6 – P1, P2, P3, Survey 28 P1 + 56 P2 + 42 P3 + 4 Survey + 729 total Co-Is (some are repeated) Unique PIs: 110. ; Unique Co-Is: 463 33 New Pis submitted to Cycle 6; of which. 3 had P1 or P2; and 5 P3 status Next step: Useful would be actual statistics on how many people use SOFIA in each place. 100 Unique PI selected for Cycle 5; some on multiple proposals; of which 36 of them were first time PIs (when looking from Basic Science through Cycle 5) In the US queue, 21% proposals received were from women (37 submissions from women; 142 submissions from men)
Example SOFIA Observation from Karska et al. 2013 C. Risacher & R. Güsten 225th AAS Seattle R.Güsten with the GREAT consortium
Example SOFIA Observation (3) FIR-cooling in massive star forming cores (G5.89: Leurini et al. 2015): Herschel - PACS SOFIA - GREAT The line luminosity at high velocities can be used as tracer of the mass-loss rate of the jet since [OI] is the main coolant of the gas in this velocity regime. from Karska et al. 2013 C. Risacher & R. Güsten 225th AAS Seattle R.Güsten with the GREAT consortium
Upcoming Observation Milestones 2018 ~April 30 Observation Cycle 7 (incl. Focused Programs) Call June-July New Zealand Deployment ~June 29 Observation Cycle 7 (incl. Focused Programs) Proposals Due November Selection Observation Cycle 7 2019 February SOFIA Observation Cycle 7 begins Upcoming Major Science Mtgs Jun ’18 Denver AAS Jul ’18 COSPAR + Tour Jan ’19 SOFIA visits Jan 2019 AAS
The Time For What’s Next Use what we’ve learned to help Flexible call for proposals Science leads the way A team on the inside to help Come Explore With Us All leading to the Legacy of Your science
Interchangeable Instrument Suite FPI+ High Speed Visible Camera GREAT Heterodyne Spectrometer EXES High Resolution IR Spectrometer Interchangeable science instruments with different science focus LHe recharge after each flight (if needed) Rapid development of leading edge technology through new instruments HIPO – Commissioned Feb 2013 GREAT – Commissioned April 2013 FORCAST – Commissioned September 2013 FLITECAM – Commissioned February 2014 EXES – Commissioned May 2015 -> Avail Cycle 3 FIFI-LS – Commissioned June 2015 ; First Avail Cycle 3 upGREAT LFA (2x7)– Commissioned Dec 2015, low Freq extension May 2016 LFA: ~1.9 THz ([CII], CH, [OI](2-1), CO(16-15) upGREAT - HFA (1x7) – Commissioned Nov 2016 HFA: 4.745 THz ([OI]) HAWC+ - Commissioned Dec 2016 upGREAT – LFA(2x7)+HFA(1x7) together – Commissioned July 2017 4GREAT – Commissioned July 2017 FORCAST Mid-IR Camera & Spectrograph FIFI-LS Integral Field Spectrometer HAWC+ Far IR Camera & Polarimeter
Next Gen Science Instrument (SI) Timeline The Call for Proposals has been released! Optional – Notice of Intent to Propose Due: 1 JUN 2018 Phase 1 Proposals Due: 1 AUG 2018 Selections Announced / Concept Study Phase starts: ~1 OCT 2018 Concept Studies Due: ~1 MAR 2019 Instrument(s) selected for development: ~ JUL 2019 Instrument(s) delivered for commissioning: ~ JUL 2022
Philosophy of Solicitation Science Leads the Way Selected team(s) must execute and deliver well-defined Legacy Science Program(s) Prioritize instruments that enable broad community usage and/or data of high archival value, but also allow for agile, “niche” instruments to solve important / outstanding science questions Technology to Meet the Needs of Science Solicitation allows for: new instruments upgrades/modifications to existing instruments Allow for flexibility for future enhancements and modifications to NGSI Flexibility to Propose What The Science Needs Allow for a nominal three-year development period after funding begins but also allow for longer or shorter development timescales for optimal science return Allow for schedule and budget flexibility; make selections based on science return on investment Reduce requirements for the Instrument Concept Study (ICS) phase compared to previous solicitations Make instrument development and acceptance process easier for teams (using lessons learned from past experience)
Legacy Science Programs (LSP) - Requirements The LSP must contain: A detailed scientific justification An observing plan which clearly describes the science targets, instrument modes and the time required to achieve the scientific goals The roles and expertise of the science team that will execute the LSP. It should be executable within a two year period following commissioning Nominally LSP data have no period of exclusive use In the ICS phase and after commissioning, the proposing team(s) may refine the needed observing time (possibly based on a better understanding of the instrument) but may not change the scope of the scientific investigation. What Legacy will Your science leave?
What Has Not Changed This Time Solicitation issued and selections made by NASA HQ Instrument development overseen by the NASA SOFIA Program Proposals are solicited from universities, industry and NASA centers Instrument upgrade proposals are also encouraged Foreign instrument proposals from countries other than Germany are solicited, on a no exchange of funds basis
What Has Changed This Time The instrument development period is longer than the last time (nominal ~3 yrs vs. 2 yrs) Solicitation strongly emphasizes a Legacy Science Program (LSP) to be executed by proposing team that motivates the new instrument(s) Intent is to make the instrument development and acceptance process easier Instrument Concept Study phase requirements significantly reduced compared to last time Funding profile not to exceed ~$15-20M over three years starting after ICS phase, unless strongly justified Science Exploitation Period (SEP) following commissioning for up to 2 years SI team conducts their Legacy science Science community will also do science with SI team support New SI is turned over to the Program after the SEP
Please Review the Solicitation Solicitation at: =%7B1ABFE215-9C65-3204-9B6F- 8E97A9A01E36%7D/viewSolicitationDocument=1/D.14%20SOFIA%204th%20Gen%20Instruments %20Amend%202_rev.pdf SOFIA Science Instrument Library (more information on SOFIA and Instrument Development Requirements • Questions: Specific to Solicitation – send to Kartik Sheth: General SOFIA or Instrument Development – send to SOFIA Science Instrument Development: arc- • Tell your friends and colleagues
Green et al 2016 ApJ