Rhea The Mother of Goddesses


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Presentation transcript:

Rhea The Mother of Goddesses By: Caroline Brolly

Where did Rhea come from? The parents of Rhea were Uranus, the heavens, and Gaea, the earth. Uranus and Gaea had 18 kids: three Cyclopes, the three  Hecatoncheires and the twelve titans (Oceanus and Tethys Hyperion, Theia, Coeus, Phoebe, Cronus, Rhea, Mnemosyne, Themis, Cruis, and Lapetus)

WHO WAS RHEA? Rhea was the daughter of Uranus and Gaea He was married to her brother the youngest titan, Cronus She and Cronus has 6 children together; Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus in that particular order.

FAMILY PROBLEMS Rheas dad believed that his children would overthrow him so he hid them The same thing happened to Cronus. When his children were born he swallowed them whole because there was a prophecy of sorts that Cronus would be overthrown by one of his children. This made rhea very angry so she made a plan of revenge.

The revenge begins When Rhea became pregnant with her 6th child, she asked her mother Gaea for help because she didn’t want her child to be eaten like his siblings Gaea sympathized with her daughter, because her husband was similar to Cronus with the children overthrowing aspect. Rhea gave her baby to her mom, who hid the baby for her.

The rock Cronus would know that his wife gave the child away and he had not been killed if he didn’t swallow the child. Rhea wrapped a rock in the baby blanket and passed it to her husband to swallow. Cronus didn’t notice the rock because presumably if he looked at his child he would feel bad about killing them.

THE STORY CONTINUES The story goes that since Rhea has put baby( Zeus) in a cave on Mt. Ida in Crete and was raised by his first cousin, a goat. It is believed Zeus went from a baby to a full grown man in one year

The REvenge Zeus with his moms help gave his dad a mixture of mustard and wine so he would vomit his siblings Cronus did vomit the siblings and the rock After he vomited the siblings, Zeus banded them together (later known as the Olympians) to fight against his dad and later the large majority of the titans.

The Titanomachy The titans mainly were the original children of Uranus ( minus Prometheus) The Olympians consisted of: The children of Cronus, the hecatonchires, cyclops, Prometheus and her son, among others. The titanomachy was a 10 year war that raged on until the Olympians won. The titans were given punishments because they lost .

Works Cited https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhea_(mythology) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanomachy http://www.theoi.com/Titan/TitanisRhea.html http://study.com/academy/lesson/the-greek-goddess-rhea-mythology-lesson- quiz.html