The War at Home
Canadian Cost-Saving Measures Food Rations Mandatory waste reduction Early dismissal from school to help with harvest Daylight savings time Community fundraisers
the Halifax Explosion 1917 Brought the bloodshed of WWI in Europe onto Cnd soil. Over 2000 killed, large sections of city destroyed. Cities around the world contributed $30 million To this day, a special Christmas tree is shipped to Boston in order to celebrate American generosity during this time.
Images of the Halifax Explosion…
4 Measures Introduced by Cnd Gov’t to Help Raise Funds for the War Effort Meatless Mondays and Fuelless Sundays Honor Rationing Victory Bonds Income Tax
How Canada’s Economy Changed during the War Cnd’s debt increased dramatically However due to increased production levels, the economy boomed until the end of the war Industry re-tooled to produce weapons and other materials needed for war.
Defined as the forced enlistment of soldiers Conscription is… Defined as the forced enlistment of soldiers
Conscription divides Eng & Fr Relations in Canada b/c… Many Eng-Cnds felt Que was not doing its part in the war Fr-Cnds felt they lacked ties to Br & had long ago broke their ties w/ France. Fr-Cnds also felt they were being treated as 2nd class citizens (recall Fr. Language rights taken away in schools) and therefore should not be forced into military service. Finally, a Protestant Clergyman was appointed to supervise recruitment in Quebec and all training programs were held in English.
The Military Service Bill 1917 All men between the ages of 20-35 were subject to conscription. Only those who were sick, were vital workers, or were conscientious objectors/pacifists were not forced to join. Effect: Riots ensued and shirkers faced hostility
How Conscription Impacted the 1917 Election PM Borden had asked Wilfred Laurier & the liberals to join the Conservatives & form a coalition government. However, Laurier refused to join because of his opposition to conscription. In the end the Liberals won 57% of the popular vote.
The Changing Role of Women Women volunteered as nurses or ambulance drivers & began working more in banks, industry, and police forces Suffragettes sought the right to vote and won this right in 1916 (in most provinces) The Wartime Elections Act granted the Federal vote to the mothers, sisters, and wives of soldiers in the Armed Forces. By the end of the war, most women over the age of 21 had received the right to vote in Federal elections.
Examples of Propaganda…
The role of propaganda… Used to persuade people to join the armed forces To influence how people felt about the war