The Norman period (1066) 3 languages: Norman-French, Latin and Anglo-Saxon German. Romances about courtly love.
The King of Britain in the early 6th century. First mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the 12th century. The King of Britain in the early 6th century. Fought against the Saxon invaders. Sir Thomas Malory’s “Le Morte Darthur” (1470) gave us the story as we know it today. The central figure of Arthurian legends.
The son of King Uther and princess Igraine. His wife was princess Guinevere. Was raised by Sir Ector.
Merlin the Wizard. Pulling the sword out of a stone – the legend how King Arthur became the king. Excalibur – the magical unbreakable sword.
The Round Tabel was made by Merlin for King Uther. Camelot – King Arthur’s castle. The Round Tabel was made by Merlin for King Uther. Symbolized the equality of the knights. All the Knights of the Round Table were awarded the highest order of Chivalry.
The quest for the Holy Grail. Arthur’s grave in the Isle of Avalon. Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad, Sir Bedwyr and many more. The quest for the Holy Grail. Arthur’s grave in the Isle of Avalon.
12th century, Sherwood forest The first written sources - late 13th century. 12th century, Sherwood forest Famous archer who stole from the rich and gave it to the poor. His main enemy was the Sheriff of Nottingham and king John I Lackland.
Will Scarlet (Robin’s cousin) A group of Robin Hood followers who were also opressed by the Normans. Little John Maid Marian Friar Tuck Will Scarlet (Robin’s cousin)
http://library.thinkquest.org/C004305/scroll.htm http://fletcher.thefreelibrary.com/A-History-of-English-Literature/2-1 http://www.caerleon.net/history/arthur/page3.htm http://www.kingarthursknights.com/ http://www.arthurian-legend.com/ http://faculty.pittstate.edu/~knichols/labelle.html#medieval http://www.britannia.com/history/h12.html http://benturner.com/robinhood/rh_bio.php http://www.britainexpress.com/Myths/robin-hood.htm http://www.robinhoodloxley.net/default.htm http://www.boldoutlaw.com/robbeg/robbeg2.html