Recovery of Dugongs and their habitats in India: An integrated participatory approach
DUGONGS IN INDIA Population status Major Threats Tamil Nadu Gujarat Critically Endangered in India Less than 200 animals left Highly fragmented populations Gulf of Kachchh Palk Bay & Gulf of Mannar A&N Is. Major Threats Poor Breeding Capacity Poaching Fishing net entanglement Boat strikes Habitat loss Pollution High level of conflict with fishermen Tamil Nadu Habitat outside PA Network Incidental Killings during fishing Gujarat Habitat Degradation due to pollution Andaman and Nicobar Fragmented Habitats, fishing & Tourism
CONSERVATION GOALS AND ACTIONS SPECIES CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT Population assessment through advanced census techniques Incentives on releasing the entangled dugongs Dugong Scholarship HABITAT CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT Create and manage “Regulated Inviolate Habitat for Dugongs” Management Plans for Gulf of Mannar NP, Jhansi Rani Marine NP PARTICIPATORY MANAGEMENT OF DUGONG AND ITS HABITATS Incentive based Dugong Citizen Watch Educational awareness programmes, participatory workshops Involve local stakeholders in conservation efforts CAPACITY-BUILDING OF THE STATE FOREST DEPARTMENT & LOCAL COMMUNITIES Enhance capacity of Enforcement agencies for community based monitoring and conservation of dugongs and their habitats Enhancing capacity of rescues and rehabilitation of stranded marine mammals
Incentive for Conservation: Dugong Scholarship Reach parents through their children Create a network of well informed ‘Future India’ 1560 Students appeared in competitive examinations Selected 150 Students Rs.500/month for 2 years ‘Dugong Ambassadors’
Incentive for Conservation Dugong Rescue and Rehabilitation First time in India, Three dugongs were entangled in fishing nets have been rescued and released back to sea by fishermen of Tamil Nadu in February 2017. Fishermen were honored by CAMPA Project with TNFD
Conservation Awareness Programme: Using Climate Change Express Train that travelled all through India in 2017 Reached 20,000 children and 4,000 Adults
Total habitat occupancy of dugong in India ~ 6500km2 Identified Critical Dugong Habitats in India Total habitat occupancy of dugong in India ~ 6500km2
Mobile App – Save Dugong Friends of dugong information Network The network includes fishermen communities, commercial SCUBA divers and regular seafarers Recent dugong sightings, location and rescue will be reported Pilot Testing in Tamil Nadu – later it would be up-scaled to PAN India
Capacity Building Trained 10 Range Forest Officers with SCUBA Diving and to monitor seagrass habitats and dugongs
Thanks to Dugong Partners …. CMS- Dugong MoU with