The Amazing Muscular System!
Introduction Your muscular system does lots of important jobs. It helps you: move pumps your blood helps you digest food helps you breathe.
Inside a Muscle
How it Works When you want to move your arm one muscle contracts and the other one relaxes. So that makes your muscle pick up your arm. That is how you pick up weights.
What the Muscle Is Made Of? Your muscles are made of small muscle fibers. Tendons are stretchable material that connects the muscles to your bones.
How do our muscles work? Our muscles work by contracting and relaxing
How to Make Healthy Muscles!!! Run Lift weights Play sports Drink milk Eat healthy food
Facts about the muscles!!! Your heart is a muscle. Your tongue is a muscle. There are about 350 muscles in the human body. Muscles are made of fibers. The muscular system is the largest system in your body.
More Amazing Facts About Muscles!!! Muscles weigh half the amount of your body. The tendon is what holds the muscle in place. The fiber bundle is what holds the fibers together just like connective tissue.
Bibliography!!! Amazing Human Body CD-ROM. New York: DK Interactive Learning, 1997. Discovery Communications Inc. "Your Gross & Cool Body." The Yuckiest Site on the Internet 2000. On-line. Internet. June 15, 2001. Available: McGann, Andrew. “The Skeletal System.” A Look Inside the Human Body. On-line. Internet. June 15, 2001. Available: Scholastic. The Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body CD-ROM. Microsoft Corporation, 1995. Your Wonderful Body. Washington D.C. National Geographic Society,1982