Immigration, Industry & Innovation The North Immigration, Industry & Innovation
Immigrants Standard 8.47
Irish Immigrants -immigrants are very poor -they do the jobs no one else wants -lived mostly in city slums
Irish have difficulty getting jobs. Many native born Americans fear the immigrants will take their jobs
Built the railroads
Built the Erie Canal
Irish Flee the Potato Famine
Video Clip: Flight from Famine
German Immigrants -Flee Germany after a failed revolution -Many working class looking for job opportunities
Nativists—only like people from America Know-Nothing Party Anti-Catholic Anti-immigrant Nativists—only like people from America
Know-Nothing Party -wanted to extend time to become a citizen -to prevent foreign-born people from ever holding public office.
Growth, Cities, & Immigration Video Clip Growth, Cities, & Immigration
Industrial Revolution Standard 8.73
Industrial Revolution Began in Great Britain Began building Textile Mills (made cloth) Water Frame-created by Richard Arkwright- produced stronger, thinner cotton thread Powered the spinning jenny by flowing water
Video Clip Mill Sounds
Industrial Revolution Samuel Slater smuggles mill plans out of Great Britain Built a mill in Rhode Island Mills spring up all over New England
Video Clip Samuel Slater
Industrial Revolution Most mills were located in the New England region. Built next to rivers and streams
Mill Life Hired entire families Built housing for families Company store Started paying with credit to the store
Lowell System Created by Francis Cabot Lowell Used water-powered textile mills Everything done at one location: loom that spun the thread AND weaved the cloth
Lowell System Textile mills that employed young, unmarried girls--- ”Lowell Girls” They lived at the factory and had to follow strict rules.
Video Clip Lowell Mills
Workers Organize Workers demand better working conditions and pay Organize trade unions Unions organize strikes
Sarah G. Bagley Founder of Lowell Female Labor Reform Association
Newsies vs. Lowell Girls Video Clip Newsies vs. Lowell Girls
Innovation Standard 8.73
Eli Whitney Interchangeable Parts: identical machine parts Easier to assemble Easier to fix and replace
Robert Fulton Made the first steamboat named Clermont Allowed for faster boat travel on rivers
Peter Cooper Built the 1st steam locomotive named Tom Thumb
Railroad By 1860, 30,000 miles of track and every major U.S. city linked
Samuel F. B. Morse Invented the telegraph Developed Morse code Series of dashes and dots representing the alphabet
John Deere Designed a steel tip plow Allows soil to be easily plowed
Cyrus McCormick Invented a harvesting machine to effectively cut down wheat Called the mechanical reaper or grain reaper
Elias Howe Invented the sewing machine
Isaac Singer Made improvements on Howe’s design By 1860, largest maker of sewing machines
Video Clip