TURNAROUND PLANNING Presented to: AACE International, Inc New Orleans Chapter
Usually occur every 3 to 5 years. Turnaround A planned, periodic shutdown of one or more key processing units to perform maintenance and upgrades. Usually occur every 3 to 5 years. Shutdowns of smaller scope bridge the gap between Turnarounds.
Turnaround Planning On average begins 1 to 2 years prior to shutdown for maintenance activities. Capital Project Improvement Integration. Complete representation from all parties involved: Management Operations Engineering Purchasing Cost Control Scheduling Maintenance Capital Projects Contractors
Planning Considerations Labor Resources Materials and Equipment Duration Logistics Manpower Density Construction Equipment Laydown Areas Quality Control
Turnaround Sequence Unit Shutdown Equipment Disassembly Inspection Repair, Maintenance & Upgrades Reassembly Testing Unit Startup
Turnaround Maintenance Scope Work request analysis Regulated repair requirements Required frequency of inspection Reliability and life expectancy of equipment and media Repairs that require unit shutdown Feasibility of performing work that can otherwise be completed on the run
Capital Improvement Scope Defining capital scope for turnaround Quantifying work to establish duration Additions to increase capacity, productivity, etc. Equipment Lines Power
Capital Planning and Organizing Area System Equipment Size Line Spec Elevation Other projects
Turnaround Duration Unit shutdown and startup duration is dictated by proper sequence of events to safely and efficiently prepare the unit for maintenance and return to service without damage. Maintenance / Capital duration is dependant on the critical path duration.
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