By:Tony Islami, Enis Kryeziu Deserts Biomes By:Tony Islami, Enis Kryeziu
Hot Deserts Africa (Sahara Desert), Arabian Peninsula (Arabian Desert). Temperature: Average: 20-25°C Highs: 43.5-49°C Precipitation: 15cm per year. Summer/Spring seasons.
Cold Deserts Antarctica (Antarctic Desert) Temperature: Average: 20- 25°C Precipitation: lots of snow, 15- 26cm of rain a year. Winter seasons.
Native Animals Scorpion, Ostrich, Camel. One Animal Adaptation: Some desert animals such as desert toads, remain dormant deep in the ground until the summer rains fill ponds. Then they emerge, breed, lay eggs and replenish their body reserves of food and water for another long period.
Native Plants Cacti, barrel cactus, spike mosses. One Plant Adaptation: Some plants, called succulents, store water in their stems or leaves for later use.
Symbiotic Relationship Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism Mutualism--- Bees pollenating the cacti and depending on it for food. Parasitism--- Fleas living on the bodies of coyotes and other animals.
Recreational Activities Four wheel Sand slid Horse back ride Camel racing
Points of interest Hot weather Beautiful views Las Vegas
Environmental threats Global warming Oil and gas Nuclear waste. These are all important because the oil and gases can become a waste and there couldn't be anymore left of it. Global warming could impact all the animals and plants and a lot of areas could catch on fire because of the temperatures
Endangered species Turtles They are getting eatin by all the other animals because they are the easier to kill the other.
Importance of biome The Desert Biome is an important part of Earth because many animals live in it and it is a source of sand. Also, a lot of oil is often found under many deserts.