Overall items to know from the Spanish American War Era 1898ish American Exceptionalism: The concept that America has a unique role and destiny to spread democracy and civilization. Is it relevant back then? Now? USS Maine: What is it? Why is it important? What is it doing in Havana Harbor? Platt Amendment: As a condition of withdrawing US troops from Cuba, the US forces Cuba to adopt this amendment to the Cuban Constitution. It says they may only make treaties with the US, and that the US has the right to intervene in Cuban affairs as it saw fit. Do you see any potential issues with this? Or does it sound like standard operating procedure?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxPBDWjp1qM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J8__fWphE0
Spanish-American War Era Important Stuff Understand what territory the US acquired in the War (we also take Hawaii in an unrelated outburst of expansionism on the behalf of the Dole Pineapple Corporation in the middle of this war) Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, kind of Cuba Understand the Racial element of Imperialism. “The Whiteman’s Burden” Roosevelt Corollary 1904 (to the Monroe Doctrine):Roosevelt announces that the US will police the Caribbean. From 1895- 1934, the US will send troops, overthrow leaders, and intervene all over the region. Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, the D.R.
WWI When “The Great War” breaks out in Europe in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson encourages Americans to remain neutral Overall, major business interests like Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford initially oppose the War as do most influential politicians. The American public is heavily divided. We have tons of diverse European immigrants by 1914, and their personal allegiances are still mostly with countries of origin.
WWI Despite being technically neutral, the US shows a favor for the allies (Great Britain, France, and Russia) continues to trade with them. They also provide cash money support and weapons. Great Britain has a superior navy, so Germany goes underwater with Submarines. The submarine (Uboats) attack merchant ships that are providing the enemies of Germany with supplies and the tools for waging war One such merchant ship is the Lusitania. 1200 people are killed including 128 Americans in an attack by Uboats in 1915. We know the ship was loaded with both normal supplies and weapons, and that the US Gov lied about its cargo.
Zimmerman Telegram
WWI Sinking of the Lusitania + Zimmerman Telegram = US declaration of War The US will mobilize for Total War. Know the concept. War Industries Board: Created by the Gov to organize military production and rationing. (See your source packet). Our economy will experience huge gains from War related production by the end of the War. Sedition Act of 1918: Prohibits words or behavior that might “Incite, provoke, or encourage resistance to the US or promote the cause of it’s enemies.” More than 1000 Americans will be tried and convicted. Many are members of the IWW. Eugene Debs (Socialist Party Leader) is sentenced to ten years in prison.
Great Migration During the era of WWI, over 400,000 African Americans leave the south and migrate to northern cities like Chicago and Detroit to get decent jobs working in various War Industries and to flee the Jim Crow South Between 1917 and 1920 100,000 Mexicans also enter the US.
Wilson Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Treaty of Versailles