Presidential Power.


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Presentation transcript:

Presidential Power

Questions: Who enforces checks on the president’s power? Why can the Yoo memo refer to sources of presidential authority as broad as “the text, plan and history of the Constitution, its interpretation by both past Administrations and the courts, the longstanding practice of the executive branch, and the express affirmation of the President’s constitutional authorities by Congress”? Are there other sources of legitimacy for the use of presidential power?

Framework for the class Checks and balances, and legitimate authority, are socially and politically constructed Presidents are empowered and constrained by other actors in the system

Sources of Presidential Power The Constitution Congress Courts Political parties Bureaucracy The public The media International affairs and events Skill & bargaining

Constraints on Presidential Power The Constitution Congress Courts Political parties Federalism Bureaucracy The public The media International affairs and events Skill & bargaining

How do presidential elections empower presidents How do presidential elections empower presidents? How do elections constrain presidents? How have those effects varied over time?

How do political parties (nomination processes, organizations, affiliated voters) empower presidents? How do parties constrain presidents? How have those effects varied over time?