The Age of Imperialism
The British Empire: Three Centuries of World Domination
Where? By the 20th Century the British empire included the following nations: Canada India Bermuda South Africa
Levels of Imperial Control Imperialism – one nation directly or indirectly controls the government and/or economy of another country. Direct Rule – direct control by the home/imperial country colonies Indirect Rule - home country controls with indirect means Protectorate – people have their own government, but home country has final word in all important matters. Sphere of Influence – Imperial nation has sole right to trade/invest
British Rule in India The British East India Company Set up trading posts along India’s coast Organized an army to protect interests Robert Clive: BEIC official, defeated French in 1757 and all but kicked them out of India Over next 100 years BEIC took over much of India and became wealthy Indians feel that British are trying to change their culture Sepoy rebellion – Indian troops in army (Hindus) believed bullets had been greased with cow’s fat. a. Rebelled against officers b. Britain send extra troops to put down rebellion 1. Leads to bitterness between Indians and Brits. After rebellion Britain takes direct control of India.
British Rule in India - 2 II. Positive and negative effects of British rule A. Positive: 1. restored order to India after fighting between Mogul Muslims and native Hindus 2. Government was run well 3. Schools founded 4. railroads built 5. telegraphs and postal service B. Negative 1. import of cheap British textiles killed textile industry in India 2. British forced farmers to grow cotton instead of food starting a famine among the Indian people
U. S. Expansion Monroe Doctrine 1823 A. President James Monroe tells Europe to stay out of Latin American affairs. American Industrialism fuels Expansion A. America needs new markets to sell goods due to Ind. Rev. B. Nationalism spreads throughout America. People want to spread ideas and culture to other parts of world. III. 1867 – Alaska A. U.S. Sec. of State William Henry Seward buys Alaska from Russia B. “Seward’s icebox” – later discovered gold and oil IV. 1898 – President William McKinley annexed Hawaii A. Fueling station for navy
U. S. Expansion V. War of 1898 A. Spain still ruled Cuba and Puerto Rico B. Cubans rebelled against Spain C. President McKinley orders battleship USS Maine to protect Americans in Cuba. 1. USS Maine explodes in harbor at Havana D. Congress declares war on Spain at McKinley’s request. 1. War lasts four months 2. Spain gives U.S. possessions in Caribbean and Pacific. (Phillippines, Guam, Puerto Rico)
Colonel Roosevelt, on horseback, broke from the woods behind the line of the Ninth, and finding its men lying in his way, shouted: 'If you don't wish to go forward, let my men pass, please.'
U.S. Expansion 3 VI. Panama Canal A. War of 1898 shows U.S. how important it is to move navy from east to west quickly. B. Had to go around S. America C. President Roosevelt decides to build a canal across the isthmus of Panama. D. Problem! Panama belongs to Colombia. 1. 1903 - U.S. helps Panamanian rebels win independence from Columbia. . 2. In return Panama signs treaty allowing U.S. to build and control the canal. E. In 1979 Jimmy Carter signed treaty that slowly handed control back to Panama. Transfer was complete in 1999.
Differing Views of Imperialism Reformers William Jennings Bryan and Jane Addams Felt imperialism violated other people’s sovereignty – right to choose their own government Rudyard Kipling argued against reform “White Man’s Burden” Rebellion 1903 – Americans crush Philippine rebellion (Philippines still want freedom) 1879 – 6-month Zulu War 1. Zulu led by Cetshwayo – British wanted Zulu to disband army
Differing Views of Imperialism C. Sepoy Rebellion (1st War of Independence) 1. Sepoys thought British commanders looked down on them 2. Sepoys felt they were betraying their own culture 3. Rumor about bullets greased with animal fat 4. Britain ends the East India Company and takes direct control of India. 5. Viceroy sent to rule India D. Weak China: food shortage, peasant unrest, corrupt government 1. Imperial powers want begin to create spheres of influence for access to markets and raw materials. 2. U.S. calls for “Open door Policy.” a. all nation would have = trading rights in China b. Europe agrees 3. Chinese resent foreign interference. a. “Society of Harmonious Fists” (Boxers) forms to rid China of foreign influence. b. Europe and U.S. send in troops to crush the “Boxer Rebellion.”
Japanese Imperialism Japan’s Geography Small island-nation Very densely populated Lack of raw materials needed to industrialize Expansion begins close to home 1874 Japan takes Ryuku islands from China 1876 – Takes over Korea form China Japan vs. Russia Russia also wants to trade in Korea 1904 – Japan launches surprise attack on Russia
Japanese Imperialism 1. Fierce fighting by the Japanese stuns the Russians 2. Using its more modern ships, Japan sinks much of Russian navy. 3. Russia gives up base at port Arthur and part of Sakhalin (island). IV. Japan has arrived A. Defeat of Russians surprises imperial countries B. European nations are shocked at how quickly Japan industrialized. C. Japan now has power to defeat a European imperial country. D. Japan sets up sphere of influence in Korea.