Premium Success Story Métro de Lyon - France Transport Market sector : Infrastructures / Transport Client : SYTRAL Lyon (Syndicat des Transports pour le Rhône et l’Agglomération Lyonnaise) Application : Revamping & extension of the subway Métro de Lyon (1999 / 2000) Customer requirements : to replace obsolete & specific teletrans equipment by industrial PLCs for a better perenity to improve the maintenance : costs decreasing better reliability (MTBF > 13000 h) END USER
Premium Success Story The reasons of success / customer benefits Transport Reliability of TSX7- 40, already installed on D line of the subway, is admittedly. This reliability is confirmed by the fact that no failure happened on the 84 Premium installed for more than 6 months. An efficient partnership between Schneider Automation and the client to answer to the need of openness on Ethernet : creation of TCPIP Open on ETY110 WS. The Ethernet use gives the following benefits : a standard network, interoperable between very different equipment (hardwares & softwares) a real time network with high performances (more than 10000 info/s on an optical redundant loop) END USER
Premium Success Story The reasons of success / customer benefits Transport The embedded Web server allows : A simple connection for the exploitation / maintenance in every place, and this by each equipment that can be connected on Intranet/Internet A user-friendly tool : for a wide public (graphic pages well adapted to non specialized technicians) with a securitive acces (hierarchical password acces) to the diagnostic screens A tool for a decreasing cost of maintenance : better reactivity due to a more precise and a quicker diagnostic for a better targeted intervention END USER
Premium Success Story Architecture of Métro de Lyon Poste Contrôle Commande (remote Central Control) HP9000 Optical loop Ethernet TCP IP Redun Hub Redun Hub STATION 1 STATION 22 Energy Station Traffic Short description : globally 84 Premium 5720x + 6 XBT touch screen 1 redundant optical loop Ethernet with 35 switches