Message and Messenger: Rethinking How Biomass Thermal Takes Itself to Market Heating the Midwest Conference 2018 Carlton, Minnesota Adam Sherman May 2nd, 2018 Good morning everyone. I took a general approach to reflecting on “message and messenger” theme – with a heavy bend toward message on the policy front. I normally have 50 slides to cover in 20 minutes but this morning paired it down to just 39… I have six points to make and will hopefully do it in 6 minutes.
Biomass Energy Resource Center (BERC) Advancing the use of Modern Wood Heat and CHP in North America But first a quick Info-mercial for BERC Technical Consulting Project feasibility studies Fuel supply assessments and procurement Third-party expert review Develop and review of standards Market assessments Program Design & Implementation Wood heat market expansion potential assessments Program design and implementation support Training, and advisory support services Advocacy Showcasing “best practices” and case studies of successful projects Tracking market growth and impacts BERC is a program of the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation A mission-driven non-for-profit whose mission is to reduce the economic and environmental impacts of energy production and consumption
Number 1 – So much policy is focused on electricity – get policy makers to realize that the greatest fossil fuels use and GHG emission are from THERMAL and TRANSPORTATION. The future in energy policy lies in these sectors. Some states get it and are already moving in this direction.
Clean & Renewable Energy Forested Working Landscape Number 2 – don’t promote wood heat for the sake of it. No one cares! So how wood heat is an effective strategy that makes measureable progress toward goals they do care about!!!! Clean & Renewable Energy Vibrant Communities & Economic Development
Modern Wood Heating Applications Residential and Small Commercial Large Commercial/Institutional Number 3 – Delineate “Best in Class” equipment from the crappy/mill of the mill equipment. Set a high bar for emission and efficiency limits for any incentive programs! Learn form the Austrian example!
Number 4 - Educate the market on apples to apples comparisons of heating costs OVER TIME! there are three important messages in this graph – price difference, price stability, and lower price escalation rate over time….
Number 5 – Promote programs that package wood heating as strategy to get off fossil fuels with woodstove change outs!
Silver Bullet? Silver Buckshot! Number 6 – Promote wood heat with conservation, energy efficiency, heat pumps, solar panels, etc. The scale of the fossil fuel dependence is staggering. We do not need to put down other forms of energy – we can promote an “ALL –IN” strategy to get off fossil fuels. Silver Bullet? Silver Buckshot!
National Wood Chip Heating Fuel Quality Standard is Available! Oh yeah and there is this…
Adam Sherman, Manager Biomass Energy Resource Center at VEIC 128 Lakeside Ave. Suite 401 Burlington, VT 05401 Tel: +1 802 540 7863 Email: Web: End results are: * Lower capital costs for smaller boilers * Better boiler efficeincy and emissions * More fuel availability to displace more heating oil * Helps in district heating to expand service lines with out adding boiler capacity in central plant. Contact Information