Italian Campaign MR and ES
Thesis After the successful invasion of Sicily, the Allied powers moved North into the Italian mainland in hopes of removing Mussolini from power, only to be met with German forces in Naples. The Allies eventually defeated the German forces, ultimately leading to the removal of German power from Italy, and the increase of the Allied power.
Some Brief Background North Africa has just been taken by the Allies. Italy currently controlled by Mussolini and oppressive fascist party. Britain and America agree to invade Sicily → hope it will bring down Mussolini. Italian campaign on the mainland launched after successful invasion of Sicily.
Important People: Benito Mussolini Italy’s fascist leader. After Invasion of Sicily, Mussolini was arrested. After rescued from prison, Hitler made him leader of the Italian Social Republic. “Puppet State”
Important People: Bernard Montgomery British army officer. Led the British Eighth Army during the Invasion of Sicily and the Italian Campaign. Led Eighth Army up the toe of Italy.
Important People: George Patton American army general. Led the U.S. Seventh Army during the Invasion of Sicily.
Thesis After the successful invasion of Sicily, the Allied powers move North into the Italian mainland in hopes of removing Mussolini from power, only to be met with German forces in Naples. The Allies eventually defeat the German forces, ultimately leading to the removal of German power from Italy, and the increase of the Allied power.
Timeline Allies’ sights set on Italy Allies invade Sicily. Oct 1943 July 10, 1943 Allies’ sights set on Italy Allies invade Sicily. July 25, 1943 Jan 1944
Invasion of Sicily July 10- American and British troops invade Sicily by way of ships, tanks and aircraft. After 6 weeks, Allied forces pushed Axis forces out of Sicily to the mainland→ Italian Campaign begins.
Thesis After the successful invasion of Sicily, the Allied powers move North into the Italian mainland in hopes of removing Mussolini from power, only to be met with German forces in Naples. The Allies eventually defeat the German forces, ultimately leading to the removal of German power from Italy, and the increase of the Allied power.
Timeline Allies’ sights set on Italy Fall of Mussolini Oct 1943 July 10, 1943 Allies’ sights set on Italy Allies invade Sicily. July 25, 1943 Fall of Mussolini Mussolini arrested, Italy surrenders to Allies, Italy declares war on Germany. Jan 1944
Fall of Mussolini Prior to the invasion, Mussolini proved to be an aggressive and ineffective military leader. By spring of 1942, Italian cities’ morale fell due to Axis losses and food shortages. Mussolini continued to lose Italian favor until he was arrested by the King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel III, on July 25th 1943.
Fall of Mussolini (cont.) Rescued from prison by Nazis. Nazis set Mussolini up as a puppet leader as they continued to oppress the Italians.
Thesis After the successful invasion of Sicily, the Allied powers move North into the Italian mainland in hopes of removing Mussolini from power, only to be met with German forces in Naples. The Allies eventually defeat the German forces, ultimately leading to the removal of German power from Italy, and the increase of the Allied power.
Timeline Allies met with German forces Allies’ sights set on Italy Oct 1943 Allies met with German forces Allies continue to move north into the mainland, met with German forces just south of Naples July 10, 1943 Allies’ sights set on Italy Allies invade Sicily July 25, 1943 Fall of Mussolini Mussolini arrested, Italy surrenders to Allies, Italy declares war on Germany Jan 1944
Allies V. German Forces Sept 1943- Allied forces land at the southern end of the Italian mainland Continue to move north with slow progress→ meet German forces just south of Naples Germans fall back from Naples to the Gustav line
Timeline (cont.) Allies met with German forces Oct 1943 Allies met with German forces Allies continue to move north into the mainland, met with German forces just south of Naples. July 10, 1943 Allies’ sights set on Italy Allies invade Sicily. July 25, 1943 Fall of Mussolini Mussolini arrested, Italy surrenders to Allies, Italy declares war on Germany. Jan 1944 Bypass of the Gustav Line Stiff German resistance battled the Allied forces at the Gustav Line.
Bypass of the Gustav Line Allies move north from Naples. January 1944→ the Allies were stopped at the Gustav Line by German forces. Held there for almost a year.
Bypass of the Gustav Line (cont.) May 1944→ US troops break through Gustav Line to enter Rome. Germany still has a strong hold on Rome.
Timeline (cont.) German forces met at Gothic line. Spring 1945 April 1945 German forces met at Gothic line. Spring 1945
German Forces met at Gothic Line Basically last German defensive line in northern Italy. Germany had geographical advantages (mountain valleys) as well as advanced machine gun nests. However, the Allies were still successful in driving out German forces.
Timeline (cont.) German forces met at Gothic line. April 1945 German forces met at Gothic line. Spring 1945 German forces driven out of Italy into Southern Austria.
German Forces driven out of Italy Spring of 1945- Germans pushed out of Italy. Germany signs Surrender of Caserta on April 29, 1945. Formally ends German hostilities in Italy on May 2, 1945.
Thesis After the successful invasion of Sicily, the Allied powers move North into the Italian mainland in hopes of removing Mussolini from power, only to be met with German forces in Naples. The Allies eventually defeat the German forces, ultimately leading to the removal of German power from Italy, and the increase of the Allied power.
Results New front opened up in Europe. Mussolini is removed from power and executed. Italy is moved to the Allies. Gave Allies control of Mediterranean.
Results (cont.) Allies gained air bases in which they used to bomb Germany. Germans lost potential troops.
Significance Increased pressure on Germany. The Allied Powers strengthened. First invasion of Europe by Allied Forces.
Kahoot Time!!! (Quick!!)
Works Cited Axelrod, Alan. "Italian Campaign." Facts on File, Infobase, 2013. Accessed 18 April 2018 Cosgrove, Ben. “Italian Campaign Timeline.” World History Project, 16 Nov. 2014, “Italian Campaign Timeline.” World History Project, MCHABU, 2018, "Italian Peninsular Campaign." World History: The Modern Era, ABC-CLIO, 2018, Accessed 18 Apr. 2018. McNab, Chris. “Gustav-Cassino Line, Nov 1943 – May 1944.” The History Reader, Macmillan, 5 Oct. 2016, “The Italian Campaign.” RSS, 9 June 2017,