Illustrated Timeline Pairs OR Singles Project Revolutions!
Your Directions! Look at the events on the reverse side; you have 34. Find the date that goes with the events (I’ve given you the chapter and section number). Put them in chronological order, BUT use a color code to denote which REVOUTION the dates align with You will be given a large white sheet of paper in which you should place ALL dates and event. USE the FRONT only! Draw something down the center of your paper that is creative for your “line.” Examples: Tree trunk, Ruler, Giraffes neck, pickle, etc. COLOR YOUR ILLUSTRATION. Make 34 evenly spaced marks for your dates; write the date on one side and the event on the other –NEATLY. Pick 5 of the dates on your timeline and illustrate with color their importance. Pick dates that have a significant meaning to you. Example: the Glorious Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, etc. The 5 dates that you picked as important you will write about their “importance” on the back of the paper – Why did you pick this date? It will be ONE complete sentence stating WHY you think this date is important. Work as a PAIR; share the work equally! You will not finish this today, but we will start this today. Staple the rubric (this sheet) to the FRONT of your drawing. WRITE your name on the FRONT of your timeline in the bottom right hand corner. Do your best work – I want to hang these up!
Your RUBRIC! Requirement Points Available Points Lost 34 dates identified correctly and arranged in chronological order; color coded 34 Center of Timeline creatively displayed 10 5 illustrations hand-drawn, creative and appropriate 5 explanations of importance of date choice; completed with a complete sentence 25 Work Ethic followed (no discipline action needed) 6 Turned in on appropriate piece of paper. 5 Everything is colored except for dates & identification Followed all directions TOTALS 100
Look at your events (on your paper) ….you have 34 dates to fine
Sample Timelines…. (a little different, but the idea is the same.) If you’re an artist.
Sample Timelines…. (a little different, but the idea is the same.) If you’re a spongebob fan
Sample Timelines…. (a little different, but the idea is the same.) If you’re a an artist and like “that” kind of stuff…
Sample Timelines…. (a little different, but the idea is the same.) For McDonald’s French Fry fanatics
Sample Timelines…. (a little different, but the idea is the same.) If you’re a baller – or think you are
Sample Timelines…. (a little different, but the idea is the same.) If you scream for Ice Cream
Sample Timelines…. (a little different, but the idea is the same.) Your mama’s first cell phone