Four Steps to Better Performance in Any Class in Any Subject! How to study for tests: Four Steps to Better Performance in Any Class in Any Subject!
Number of Separate Reviews 6-8 reviews are required for most people to store new knowledge in LTM (long term memory.)
Number of Separate Reviews 6-8 reviews are required for most people to store new knowledge in LTM (long term memory.) More reviews if you have a less than average memory, and less if you have better than average memory.
How to Conduct the 6-8 Reviews Each review should be done differently
How to Conduct the 6-8 Reviews Each review should be done differently In different orders
How to Conduct the 6-8 Reviews Each review should be done differently In different orders Using different techniques
How to Conduct the 6-8 Reviews Each review should be done differently In different orders Using different techniques Sometimes alone, sometimes with a partner
How to Conduct the 6-8 Reviews Each review should be done differently In different orders Using different techniques Sometimes alone, sometimes with a partner This will not allow you to go on “autopilot” You also will not memorize a pattern, but will learn actual material.
Use Your Senses! Employ as many different senses as possible when studying:
Use Your Senses! Employ as many different senses as possible when studying: Sight: reread notes
Use Your Senses! Employ as many different senses as possible when studying: Sight: reread notes Sound: speak the notes aloud as you read them
Use Your Senses! Employ as many different senses as possible when studying: Sight: reread notes Sound: speak the notes aloud as you read them Tactile/touch: Rewrite the notes from memory as you study
Use Your Senses! Employ as many different senses as possible when studying: Sight: reread notes Sound: speak the notes aloud as you read them Tactile/touch: Rewrite the notes from memory as you study Taste and smell are hard to include most of the time, but if you were creative enough to associate tastes and smells with the material, it would help with storage in LTM.
DO NOT CRAM!! Instead of 3 hours of study in one late night study session, try this instead:
DO NOT CRAM!! Instead of 3 hours of study in one late night study session, try this instead: First, don’t procrastinate, or you have no choice but to cram
DO NOT CRAM!! Instead of 3 hours of study in one late night study session, try this instead: First, don’t procrastinate, or you have no choice but to cram Plan your life a week or more ahead instead of 24 hours at a time
DO NOT CRAM!! Instead of 3 hours of study in one late night study session, try this instead: First, don’t procrastinate, or you have no choice but to cram Plan your life a week or more ahead instead of 24 hours at a time Then, start studying for tests several days before the test—at least 3-4 days before.
DO NOT CRAM!! Instead of 3 hours of study in one late night study session, try this instead: First, don’t procrastinate, or you have no choice but to cram Plan your life a week or more ahead instead of 24 hours at a time Then, start studying for tests several days before the test—at least 3-4 days before. Spend the same 3 hours, but maybe in four 45 minute blocks spread over four days leading up to the test
DO NOT CRAM!! Instead of 3 hours of study in one late night study session, try this instead: First, don’t procrastinate, or you have no choice but to cram Plan your life a week or more ahead instead of 24 hours at a time Then, start studying for tests several days before the test—at least 3-4 days before. Spend the same 3 hours, but maybe in four 45 minute blocks spread over four days leading up to the test Cramming is better than nothing, but it is NOT an effective way to put material in LTM.
Last Thoughts Tests are generally imperfect tools designed to measure learning
Last Thoughts Tests are generally imperfect tools designed to measure learning THE POINT TO STUDYING FOR A TEST IS NOT TO DO WELL ON THE TEST!!
Last Thoughts Tests are generally imperfect tools designed to measure learning THE POINT TO STUDYING FOR A TEST IS NOT TO DO WELL ON THE TEST!! The point to studying for the test is to store important skills and information in LTM!!! If you do this, you can actually use the skills and information for years to come.
Last Thoughts Tests are generally imperfect tools designed to measure learning THE POINT TO STUDYING FOR A TEST IS NOT TO DO WELL ON THE TEST!! The point to studying for the test is to store important skills and information in LTM!!! If you do this, you can actually use the skills and information for years to come. If you have successfully stored the information in LTM, you will obviously do well on the test—so doing well on the test becomes a byproduct of effective studying!