TANGO Mid-Term Review Meeting 18 Sept 2014 Aswathy Surendran (ESR) University of Keele Supervisor : Prof. Maria Heckl
Outline Background Research Task : Task 3.3 Training Networking Future plans
Background Dual Degree (B. Tech. & M. Tech.) in Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras Joined TANGO : 10th October, 2013 Supervisor: Prof. Maria Heckl Host Institution : University of Keele
Research Task : Task 3.3 Analytical study of idealised combustion system with heat exchanger
Task 3.3 (contd.) Work done so far… Modelled heat exchanger tubes Calculated reflection and transmission coefficients of a single tube row Identified significant parameters : tube radius, tube spacing and tube thickness
Task 3.3 (contd.) Work done so far… Ongoing work… Incorporated a back cavity to the tube row Obtained stability maps for the combustion system Ongoing work… Introduce bias flow across the tube row
Training Host Institution : Training Modules on Managing your research Literature reviews Oral presentation skills Poster presentations Funding your research Doctoral Progression Publishing and Protecting your Research Other : Applied Mathematics Seminars
Training (contd.) TANGO Network : Workshops Experimental Methods in Thermo-acoustics, IIT Madras, India (February 2014) Aero-acoustics in Confined Flows of Low Mach Number, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden (May 2014) Gender Issues , KTH, Stockholm, Sweden (May 2014) Analytical methods in thermo-acoustics, University of Keele, UK (September 2014) Outreach – “Science Market”, University of Keele, UK (September 2014)
Networking Within TANGO Secondment : (Planned) Bekaert Combustion Technology, 2015 Topic: Experimental validation of model for Rijke tube with heat exchanger 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 TU-E BEK TU-M
Networking (contd.) Conferences : Publications : 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Beijing, China, July 2014 Publications : A. Surendran and M.A. Heckl (2014) "Analytical study of a Rijke tube with heat exchanger", Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 13-17 July 2014, Beijing, China.
Future plans Post-doctoral researcher in combustion and thermo-acoustics Research in Combustion, Academia or Industry Thank You !