Localize off sagittal T2FS sequence Athletic Pubalgia Seq FOV Matrix Slice TR TE ETL Misc COR STIR 28-32 256X192 4/1 >2000 20-40 8 Cover both hips and ASIS COR T1 256X256 450-800 MIN 2-3 AX T2FS 50-60 Iliac crests-Prox thighs. SAG T2FS 20-24 256X224 3/0.5 Femoral head-Femoral head OBL AX PD* 2-3000 25-30 See slide OB AX T2FS* 3/1 Sag PD (Optional for Post Op) 256x256 Femoral Head-Femoral Head Localize off sagittal T2FS sequence
Athletic Pubalgia- Considerations Specialized protocol developed to evaluate groin pain in high level athletes Clinical history wording could include Sports hernia Adductor tear Rectus avulsion If groin pain is unilateral please note side on tech notes if not included in clinical history
Athletic Pubalgia- Images Axial images from superior acetabulum to proximal femoral diaphysis Smaller axial FOV than pelvis or hip protocol Center on pubic symphysis
Athletic Pubalgia-Images Coronal images parallel to anterior aspect pubic symph Coverage from anterior to pubic symph through ischial tuberosities Sagittal images perpendicular to coronal images from one ischial tub through the other
Athletic Pubalgia- Images Prescribe oblique coronal off the sagittal image Plane parallel to iliac crest Center at pubic symphysis