Town of Newbury Proposed New Fire Station Background Information
Existing Conditions The size allotted to the fire department is inadequate for today’s needs. The present building is no longer up to current code requirements in the following areas: Structural capacity Electrical systems Heating and ventilating systems Energy conservation requirements Fire and Safety requirements
Current Fire Station Exterior Two Bay Station
Existing Conditions The existing Newbury Fire and Police Station (Safety Service Building) is a wood-framed building approximately 6400 square feet in size. The fire station uses approximately 5000 square feet and the police station uses approximately 1400 square feet. There are multiple areas of concern regarding the existing building including:
Limited space for parking of apparatus Apparatus Floor Limited space for parking of apparatus
Existing Conditions There is inadequate storage space for handling equipment, supplies and apparatus presently used on an ongoing basis. The existing fire department ceiling is too low for the needs of today’s equipment. The existing fire department truck bay doors are too small for the needs of today’s equipment.
Limited area for working on trucks Narrow Aisles Limited area for working on trucks
Truck in front must be moved before rear truck can respond Stacking of Trucks Truck in front must be moved before rear truck can respond
Small training/Meeting Room Limited space for hands on training
Training and Meeting Room Training and meeting room space as well as office space is inadequate for the current operations of the fire department
Limited Office Space Personnel must share desks and computers No office space to conduct business with the public
Limited storage/repair room Air pack filling, tools, storage and heating oil tanks in same small area
Existing Conditions There are inadequate space/facilities in the fire department to address the cleaning and maintenance of today’s emergency response equipment.
Gear Storage on Apparatus Floor Turnout gear exposed to truck exhaust Responding firefighters must put on gear around the parked trucks
Limited site lines on Route 103 Traffic on road cannot be seen when leaving station
Existing Station There is inadequate turning space for fire department apparatus in front of the bay doors, necessitating maneuvering and backing up on NH Rt. 103 in a potentially dangerous manner. There is inadequate on-site parking. the parking lot, the parcel is fully developed.
Growth of Newbury Fire Department In 2001 the department responded to120 calls per year. In 2017 calls for service were 343. The size of the fire station has remained the same while the volume of calls has almost tripled
Call Response is now less than 50% of Employee Time Today call response is less than half of the firefighter’s time. Training, required by the state and to maintain EMS Licenses is 27%, administrative and service is 21%, much of this work is done at the station
Bald Sunapee Property
Playground in center of property station site at the right Proposed site Playground in center of property station site at the right
Proposed New Fire Station
Additional Information For information on the fire station project study committees, public meetings and presentations visit the Town of Newbury website