Station 1 – 816 E. Haley Opened 1957 Administrative Offices/3 Bay Doors Building Size - 12,412 Sq. Ft. 1.16 Acre RB Multiple Family Residential
Station 2 – 313 Townsend Opened 1993 Living Quarters/2 Bay Doors Building Size - 5774 Sq. Ft. 0.39 Acre Downtown
Station 3 – 1717 N. Saginaw Opened 1976 Living Quarters/2 Bay Doors Building Size - 3,800 Sq. Ft. 1.45 Acre RB Multiple Family Residential
Need For Service Coverage Evaluation The City’s population increased nearly: 19% from 1970 – 2000 The City has expanded its boundaries: 1970 – 27.22 sq. mi. 2000 – Over 36 sq. mi. Station locations same since 1976
Need For Service Coverage Evaluation The call volume has increased: 1976 – 482 incidents 2016 – 5,283 incidents Total fire department staffing: 1976 – 46 Fire Fighters 2017 – 45 Fire Fighters
Measurement of Response Times NFPA 1710 Arrival of the first Engine Company at a fire 4 minutes or less Arrival of a medical unit at an emergency medical incident 4 minutes or less 90% compliance with the above standards in 2007 (Rehmann / Robson) 2017 - MFD response times are now 6–12 mins. in certain areas of the City
Measurement of Response Time 2007
Performance Studies 1998 – IAFF Commissions study by fire protection professionals using “Flame” software. 1998 /1999 – Chief Hargarten conducts internal study using “Flame” software. Both studies come to similar conclusions indicating the need for a Station 4 In the NE Quadrant, as well as other station relocations. 2007 – The City & Chief Garcia commission a new study by Rehmann / Robson. Although more detailed, the results are similar to previous studies.
Summary Of Findings (Rehmann / Robson ’07) Current response travel times do not meet national standard of 4 minutes Currently 4 minute travel time is achieved on 56% of the service area City has expanded by 24% since 1970 GIS estimates Over (21%) properties (structures) are outside the 4 minute travel time
Analysis of Future Needs 2007 Fire Study Recommendations : Option 1 – Construct a new Station 4 (84% of structures within 4 min.) Option 2 – Station 4 & Station 1 (89% of structures within 4 min.) Option 3 – Station 4, Station 1, Station 3 (94% within 4 min.) Note: These options were formulated prior to the growth explosion north of US 10
Option 1 - Add Station 4 (2007 Study)
Cost for Station 4 (Estimated) 5 Bay Station with administrative wing, storage building and training facilities Land - 5 acres Unknown Building – 5 bay $5 – $6,000,000 est. Building Equip. (Including Training) $150,000 est. Apparatus – 1 new ladder & reserve rig (ERF changes) $850,000 initial est. 1 additional new ladder would be purchased in normal rotation for existing station with older reserve rig retained for St. 4 Total $6 - $7,000,000 + Land Staffing (9) Annually operations Approx. $1,100,000
Option 2 - Station 4, 1 (2007 Study)
Relocate Station 1 (2007 Study)
New Station 1 3- Bay Satellite Station: Land – 4-5 Acres Unknown Building – 3 Bay & quarters $2 - $3,000,000 est. Building Equipment $75,000 est. Apparatus & staff Relocate existing Total $2,075,000 - $3,075,000 + Land
Option 3 - Station 4, 1, 3
Cost for Station 3 Basic 3-bay Satellite Station: Land – 1.5 acres Unknown Building 3 bay & quarters $2 – $3,000,000 est. Building Equipment $75,000 Apparatus & staff Relocate existing Total $2,075,000 - $3,075,000 + Land
Option 3 & Future Growth
Estimated Cost of Options Option 1 (St. 4) $6 - $7,000,000 + Land Staff (Annual Ops) Approx. $1,100,000 ERV (2 Fleet additions) Unknown Option 2 (St. 4 & St. 1) $8,075,000 - $10,075,000 + Ops & Land Option 3 (St. 4, St. 1 & St. 3) $10,150,000 - $13,150,000 + Ops & Land
Department Recommendation Pursue option #2 (New Station 4 and relocation of Station 1). Available property in the study locations is fast disappearing. It is imperative property be acquired as soon as possible to preserve future construction sites in the desired locations.