Chapter 1 Introduction to Anatomy
Anatomical position To avoid confusion among medical professional an anatomical position has been established. It is an erect stance with arms to the side palms facing forward and head forward.
Anatomical planes
Medical term for locations Anterior-refers to the front of the body Posterior refers to the back of the body
Medial and Lateral Medial-closer to the midline Lateral-away from the
Proximal *Towards an attachment Ex. Shoulder is proximal to the elbow Ex. Hip is proximal to the knee
Distal *Away from the attachment
Cranial/Superior Closer To the Head
Caudal/Inferior Closer to the feet Lower part of body
Movements Flexion( ) -bending of hinge joint Extension( / )-straightening of hinge joint
Abduction( Abd)-Away from the midline Adduction (Add)- toward the midline
Pronation(pron)- palm down for wrist Inward lean of forefoot for ankle
Supination(sup)-palm up for wrist Outward lean of forefoot for ankle
Inversion(Inv)-sole is inward Eversion(Ev)- sole is outward
Protraction (protract)-shoulders forward Retraction(retract-shoulders back
Internal rotation-(Int. R)rotating toward the body External rotation (Ext.R)-rotating away from the body
Circumduction(circum.) Happens at the ball and socket joint and encompasses several movements.
Plantarflexion(PF)-pointing ankle
Dorsiflexion(DF)-ankle up
Lateral flexion-to the side
Horizontal Abduction and Horizontal Adduction