Chapter 2: Body Organization Professor Fowler Medical Terminology Chapter 2: Body Organization Professor Fowler
DISCLAIMER Not all of the word parts, suffixes, prefixes and abbreviations listed in the book are on the power points. The ones that you will see the most often will be listed on the power points (and what you need to study)
Word Parts Adip/o: fat Dermat/o: skin Immun/o: immune/protection Anter/o: front Dist/o: farther away from Brachi/o: arm Infer/o: bottom Enter/o: small intestine Laryng/o: larynx Cardi/o: heart Later/o: side Caud/o: tail Epitheli/o: protective layer Lumb/o: lower back Cephal/o: head Cervic/o: neck Gastr/o: stomach Lymph/o: lymph Chondr/o: cartilage Glute/o: buttocks Medi/o: middle Crani/o: skull Gynec/o: female Muscul/o: muscle Crin/o: to secrete Hemat/o: blood Crur/o: leg Hist/o: tissue Cyt/o: cell
Word Part Continued Nephr/o: kidney Pulmon/o: lung Neur/o: nerve Rhin/o: nose Ophthalm/o: eye Spin/o: to breathe Orth/o: straight Super/o: above Ot/o: ear Thorac/o: chest Ped/o: foot/child Ur/o: urine Pelv/o: pelvis Vascul/o: blood vessel Pleur/o: pleura Ventr/o: belly side Poster/o: back Vertebr/o: vertebra/spine Proct/o: anus and rectum Viscer/o: internal organ Proxim/o: closer to Pub/o: pubis
Abbreviations AP: anteroposterior LUQ: left upper quad CV: cardiovascular MS: musculoskeletal ENT: ear, nose, throat OB: obstetrics PA: posteroanterior GI: gastrointestinal RLQ: right lower quad GYN: gynecology Lat: lateral RUQ: right upper quad LE: lower extremity UE: upper extremity LLQ: left lower quad
Levels of Body Organization Cells Tissues Organs Organ System Organism (Body)
Cells Smallest living thing Cytology No matter their function is, ALL cells have a nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane
Tissues Histology Types Muscle – produce movement Skeletal, smooth and cardiac Epithelial – protection of organs Covering for and lining of body structures Connective – support and protect tissues Bone, cartilage, tendons, ligament, adipose and blood (only liquid) Nervous – conduction of electrical impulses
Organs and Systems Organs Systems Examples: stomach, lung, heart Pages 27-31
Organism (Body) Anatomical position Body planes – page 32-33 Sagittal, frontal, transverse
Organism (body) Body regions – figure 2.5 page 35 Used mostly for burns Body cavities – figure 2.6 page 36 Abdominopelvic cavity – table 2.3 pg 37 Abdominopelvic cavity – table 2.4 pg 38
Organism (Body) Directional and positional terms Table 2.5 (next two slides)