2017-2018 Adoption Budget with 2016-2017 Estimated Actuals SAUGUS Union School District Excellence in Elementary Education 24930 Avenue Stanford, Santa Clarita, California 91355 Phone: 661-294-5300 / www.saugususd.org 2017-2018 Adoption Budget with 2016-2017 Estimated Actuals June 6, 2017 BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Paul De La Cerda · Julie Olsen · David Powell · Christopher Trunkey · Judy Egan Umeck SUPERINTENDENT: Joan M. Lucid, ED.D. RESPECT | INTEGRITY | LEARNING | TEAMWORK | ENTHUSIASM
Education Code Per Education Code (EC) Sections 42127 and 52062, school districts are required to hold two separate Governing Board public meetings The LCAP and Budget public hearing The LCAP and Budget Board adoption The LCAP item must precede the Budget item at each meeting and be held at least one day apart The public hearings require 72 hours public notice The 2017-2018 LCAP and the 2017-2018 Budget must be adopted on or before July 1, 2017
2017-18 Budget Assumptions
Enrollment - ADA
Components of LCFF Target Entitlement 2017-2018 Components of LCFF Target Entitlement $3,956,302 $69,403,164
2017-2018 Gap Funding and Proportionality Current Year Funding = Total LCFF Gap* Gap Funding % $3,902,672 x 43.97% $1,716,005 Target Entitlement $77,990,019 Total LCFF Gap = $3,902,672 Floor / Minimum State Aid $74,087,347 Note: 2017-2018 LCFF Funding = $75,803,352
2017-2018 Target Entitlement Revenue Assumptions *Prior year funding rule applies
2017-2018 Supplemental Grant Percentage Supplemental and Concentration grant funding is based on the District’s unduplicated pupil population. The unduplicated pupil population consists of English learners, economically disadvantaged, and foster youth. To qualify for the concentration portion of the grant the District‘s unduplicated pupil percentage must be above 55%. The District‘s unuplicated pupil percentage is projected to be 25.97%, therefore we do not qualify. Supplemental and Concentration Grants 3 Year Average Enrollment 9,834 3 Year Average Unduplicated Pupil Count 2,554 3 Year Unduplicated Pupil Percentage 25.97%
Proportionality Calculating the Supplement Grant Value 2017-2018 Total Supplemental Funding = $3,346,210 Funding at Target: $3,810,291 2017-2018 Gap Funding: $828,272 x 43.97% $364,191 Gap 2017-18 = $828,272 Spent Prior Year: $2,982,019
One-time Revenue Mandated Block Grant (MBG) funds may be used for any one-time purpose 2017-2018 the “reimbursement” is based on prior year P2 ADA Legislative intent for use of grant is to prioritize funding to support implementation of Common Core Standards, English Language Development Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards
2017-2018 Revenue
2017-2018 Combined Revenue
2017-2018 Expenditures
2017-2018 Unrestricted Expenditures
2017-2018 Restricted Expenditures
2017-2018 Combined Expenditures
2017-2018 Ending Fund Balance
Other Funds
Next Steps State budget expected to be approved on or about June 15th Any adjustments as a result of State Budget changes will be reflected in the 45 day revise (August) LCAP and Budget Board Approval on June 20, 2017