Dividing by Decimals
Dividing decimals is a lot like dividing by a whole number Dividing decimals is a lot like dividing by a whole number. There is just one thing you need to remember before dividing: You have to make the number outside the house (divisor) a whole number (A number without a decimal).
It’s simple, move the decimal to the right until it is at the end of the number. Here’s the problem: 1.1 ) 6.3
Move the decimal to the right until you are at the end of the number Move the decimal to the right until you are at the end of the number. In this case, we only had to move it once. 1.1 ) 6.3 Since we moved the decimal on the divisor (# outside the house) we HAVE TO move the decimal in the dividend the same number of times. In this case it would also be one time.
Our new problem becomes: 11. ) 63. Or 11 ) 63
Now we just divide like we always do: 11 ) 63
What happens if we have a decimal in the divisor and not the dividend? 2.14 ) 797
Just remember, the dividend is a whole number so there is a decimal at the end of the dividend that is not there. 2.14 ) 797 Is really… The decimal would go here since the number is whole. You would still have to move it two places to the right. 2.14 ) 797.
You try this one: 3.4 ) 30.6
You try this one: .26 ) 3.38
You try this one: 2.5 ) 400
You try this one: 3.21 ) 5.136