Vocabulary #4 10th Grade
Vocabulary List #4 1. Cessation (noun) 2. Commence (verb) 3. Deter (verb) 4. Hamper (verb) 5. Obstruction (noun) 6. Preclude (verb) 7. Procrastinate (verb) 8. Scuttle (verb) 9. Subside (verb) 10. Thwart (verb)
Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences 1. Cessation (n): a halt; a coming to an end The cessation of the loud drilling from outside enabled John to continue his flute lesson. 2. Commence (v): to begin The race commenced as the referee lowered his flag. 3. Deter (v): to discourage from acting The iciness of the roads deterred us from driving.
Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences 4. Hamper (v): to limit the progress of; to prevent from moving freely Chuck’s tight shoes hampered him on the dance floor. 5. Obstruction (n): something that blocks or gets in the way The car accident created an obstruction, blocking traffic on the freeway. 6. Preclude (v): to make impossible The fact that he was an employee of Best Buy precluded him from entering the sweepstakes. 7. Procrastinate (v): to put off doing Mandy was supposed to be studying for her test, but she procrastinated so she failed.
Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences 8. Scuttle (v): to run with short, hurried steps The students scuttled across the hall and entered the classroom just before the bell rang. 9. Subside (v): to become less active; to sink to a lower level After the flood, it took days for the waters to subside. 10. Thwart (v): to prevent from happening; block John caught the flu, so that thwarted our plans for vacation next week.