Front of Game Pieces Bodhisattvas Steppe Civilization Cuneiform Polis Artisan Indo-European Huns “Wisdom,” early collections of Hindu prayers and hymns, of Aryan origin Greek City-State A government ruled by God, or religious leaders Monsoon Hieroglyphics Vedas Theocracy Quetzalcoatl Brahmin Edict of Milan Document allowing Christianity in the Roman Empire Mesoamerica legend of a god who would someday return member of the social class of priests in Aryan society Mesopotamian writing system; pressed symbols on clay Collection of teachings/sayings of Confucius Bodhisattvas Analects Buddhist Holy men with spiritual merits. Buddhists prayed to them Aristotle Teacher of Alexander the Great Constantine Slash-and-burn Large landholdings in the Roman Empire Nirvana Filial Piety Ziggurat In China, respect for one’s parents and other elders. Front of Game Pieces In Buddhism, a state of perfect peace that is the goal of reincarnation Latifundia Mesopotamian temples Steppe (aka “Yahweh”) YHWH Byzantine Empire Dry grassland spirit’s liberation from cycle of reincarnation In Hinduism, God of the monotheistic religion of Judaism Moksha Olmec East Asian Dynasty; contemporary of Roman Empire Persian religion, based on teachings of Zarathustra, and duality of good vs. evil Complicated system of sub-castes in the Hindu caste system Karma
In Hinduism, the good or evil deeds done by a person Xiongnu Torah Jati Han Dynasty Zoroastrianism Animism Sati herself on husband’s burning funeral pyre widow throwing Hindu custom, First five books of the Jewish scripture / Old Testament Nero St. Peter belief that spirits inhabit the features of nature era in which Greek culture blended with Persian and others. Spread by Alexander Monotheism Neolithic Age Hellenistic Age Belief in only one God New Stone Age; marked by the mastery of Agriculture Central Nomadic people who invaded China in ancient world Pope Religion with a caste system ethnic or racial group from their homeland exile of an Head of the Roman Catholic Church Cicero Hinduism Diaspora Hannibal social system in which the father is the head of the family Political system in which the people rule Mandate of Heaven Silk Roads Patriarchal Front of Game Pieces Caravan routes and sea lanes between China and the Middle East. "will of the gods" that granted a ruler the right to rule Democracy Scientific Revolution that the earth is the center of the universe Belief before Militaristic Greek city-state Sparta Pericles Vergil Geocentric theory Ruler of Athens during Golden Age Julius Caesar Polytheism The “Roman Peace (around 0 to 200 CE) Pastoralism Ten Commandments
Front of Game Pieces Pharaoh Socrates Belief in many gods Pax Romana Lifestyle based on herding and raising livestock, more than Agriculture Pharaoh Socrates Belief in many gods Pax Romana Moral law of the Hebrews Cultural Diffusion transmission of ideas and products from one culture to another Macedonian King, brilliant military leader Greek Philosopher, criticized the hypocrisy he saw in Athens Zhou Dynasty Christianity Alexander the Great Authored two epic poems, full of Greek mythology Untouchables Siddhartha Gautama Homer Social status below the caste system; included butchers and undertakers Indian Prince, better known as the Buddha God-King in early civilization located in NE Africa St. Paul codification of Roman law during the republic Mesopotamian epic poem King of Uruk, Subject of Missionary to the Gentiles, an influential leader in the spread of Christianity Judaism Twelve Tables Gilgamesh (aka Shi Huangdi) Emperor Qin Social class respected more in Hindu society than Confucian society Hellenism Octavius Augustus Caesar Buddhism Spread of Greek culture Front of Game Pieces Religion spread from India to China First Emperor of the Roman Empire Merchants Greek “Father of History” … not very unbiased about Persian Wars Between Rome and 264-146 BCE Carthage Athens and Sparta War between 431-404 BCE Peloponnesian War Herodotus Mahayana Punic Wars Tang Dynasty Cyrus the Great Persian Wars Axum Plato