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Presentation transcript:

Starter – what do you already know? Write down any facts you know about these Kings and Queens. If you don’t know any, write down what you can see. Queen Elizabeth I King Henry VIII 10 Queen Mary I ‘Bloody Mary’ King Edward VI

Homework Write a profile of the young King Henry VIII. Do some research to find out details about the young King Henry, use the following subheadings to guide your writing. Henry the athlete Henry the good Catholic Henry the big spender Finally write your own opinion in answer to the following question, Should the young King Henry have been called Henry the Great? Due:

Title: Who were the Tudors and Stuarts? 15 November 201815 November 201815 November 2018 Learning Objective: To investigate who some of the Tudors and Stuarts were. Key Words : Monarch- A King or Queen. Learning Outcomes: Good: You need to be able to describe with some facts and, events and place some in chronological order. Great: You need to be able to describe with some key details and accuracy, events in chronological order from specific periods of time. Awesome: You need to be able to use some accurate knowledge with some detail accurately from relevant periods of time.

Title: Who were the Tudors and Stuarts? Crusades 1095 - 1272 The Middle Ages 1216 - 1484 Tudors and Stuarts 1485 - 1713 5 minutes Normans 1066 - 1215 Place these key time periods we have been studying in chronological order. In your book End

Title: Who were the Tudors and Stuarts? The Black Death had swept through England in the 14th Century, killing Shortly after, the population began to increase again, and England made more money from overseas trade. This did not mean an improvement for poor people though, they had low wages, and very little land – as usual! Rich people got richer, and poor people got poorer. 3 It was during this period that Henry VIII changed the religion of the country from Catholic to Protestant. This caused many, many problems.

Use the information to fill in your table! Title: Who were the Tudors and Stuarts? Working in pairs sort your Tudor and Stuart cards into 4 problem categories: Power Religion Money Anything Else Which monarchs had the biggest problems? Give reasons to support your answer. Use the information to fill in your table! Then… 25 ‘Money was the biggest problem facing Tudor and Stuart Monarchs’ Explain how far you agree.. 15 minutes

What can you see in this source? You know now some of the problems the Monarchs faced. There was another one, and it is one we have come across quite often in history this year. Examine this source. What can you see in this source? What is this source supposed to represent (show)? Who has been sent here and why was this another problem that Monarchs had to worry about? CHALLENGE: How do you think this might influence a Monarch’s decisions ? 10

What have you learnt today? Three new things I have learnt A question about today’s lesson you would like answered Or an aim for next lesson Two things I knew already Three new things I have learnt