World Civ. Part A Bellwork: DLM #4 Reading Notes Day 4


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Presentation transcript:

World Civ. Part A 12-18-12 Bellwork: DLM #4 Reading Notes Day 4 Vocab Chart (if not completed) The Renaissance-video clip

Wednesday December 3, 2014 Independent Reading 12/3/14 3 Questions-Read Machiavelli on Power, p. 401 1. What influential book did Machiavelli write? 2. What is the central thesis of The Prince? 3. What was Machiavelli’s point of view?

Learning Target: We can describe art of the renaissance.

Characteristics of Renaissance Art Write these down! 1. People were realistic and drawn to proportion 2. Depth perception was used 3. Used different lighting to create depth 4. Balanced proportions 5. Had a lot of blue backgrounds

Notes Activity Take your piece of paper and fold it into 4 quadrants In each box number 1-4 We are going to analyze 8 different types of art work You are going to answer 4 questions based on each!

What people are in this photo? What objects are in this photo? What activities are going on? How would you know that it is from the Renaissance? Madonna and Child in Glory

Miraculous Mass of St. Martin of Tours

Madonna and Child with St. John

What people are in this photo? What objects are in this photo? What activities are going on? How would you know that it is from the Renaissance? Adoration of the Shepherds

Adoration of the Magi

The Bean Eater What people are in this photo? What objects are in this photo? What activities are going on? How would you know that it is from the Renaissance?

Renaissance Artists Artist Work Da Vinci “The Last Supper” “Mona Lisa” Michelangelo Sistine Chapel (ceiling) “Pieta” “David” Raphael “The School of Athens” Bramante St. Peter’s Basilica

What people are in this photo? What objects are in this photo? What activities are going on? How would you know that it is from the Renaissance?

What people are in this photo? What objects are in this photo? What activities are going on? How would you know that it is from the Renaissance?

What people are in this photo? What objects are in this photo? What activities are going on? How would you know that it is from the Renaissance?

What people are in this photo? What objects are in this photo? What activities are going on? How would you know that it is from the Renaissance?

What people are in this photo? What objects are in this photo? What activities are going on? How would you know that it is from the Renaissance?

Exit Slip What are some of the characteristics you saw in the art we looked at today?

Project You are to create a piece of art that resembles the art from the Renaissance. Your artwork must contain the characteristics that we learned about today! This project is worth 200 points and will be due next Wednesday! Tomorrow you will receive your rubric!

AP World History Standard: We can use a variety of tools to understand the past Learning target: We will define aspects of the Middle Ages Agenda: Collect Homework Reading notes day 2 and 3 Discussion of topics