Open Heavy Flavour Production at HERA Wolfram Zeuner/DESY on behalf of Introduction Selected Results from Charm - Photoproduction and DIS Charm Fragmentation Beauty - Photoproduction and DIS Summary
+ ... Open Heavy Flavour Production at HERA Study c and b production Hard scale from mQ tests of pQCD Access to gluon in proton and photon Study non-perturbative effects as fragmentation LO (s) Direct BGF Resolved photon + ... In higher order only the sum of all contributions is well defined Flavour excitations
Kinematic Variables ep collisions: Ee=27.5 GeV, Ep=820/920 GeV HERA produces boson proton interactions Luminosities e-p: 15 pb-1 e+p: 120 pb-1 Kinematic regions Photoproduction (p) : Q20 Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS): 1Q2 5·104 GeV2
Calculations and Models Perturbative QCD 1. Fixed order NLO QCD (FO) calculations Heavy Quark produced only in hard scattering DIS: B. W. Harris, J. Smith, Phys. Rev D57, 2806 (1998) - HVQDIS MC p: Frixione et al.,Nucl. Phys. B454 (1997) 3 2. Resummed calculations in NLO (RS) Heavy Quark is an active flavour inside the proton and photon B. Kniehl et al. Z. Phys C76 (1997) 690; J. Binnewies et al., Z. Phys C76 (1997) 677; Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 14014 M. Cacciari et al., Phys. Rev. D55 (1997) 2736; ibid 7134 3. Variable flavour numbers (VFNS), flavours are active depending on scale M.A.G. Aivaizis et al. Phys. Rev. D50 3102 (1994) (ACOT) LO Monte Carlo Calculations – (BGF) AROMA (direct only), HERWIG and PYTHIA (direct+resolved) DGLAP evolution – (Q2 ordering) CASCADE based on CCFM evolution – (angular ordering) Typical scales p: DIS:
Open Charm Production Charm tagging through D*± mesons 31350 ± 240 using M method Other decays and mesons are used semi leptonic electrons - via dE/dx
Charm cross sections - D* and Ds in p ZEUS 96+97 RS QCD (Kniehl et al.) p: CTEQ4M, mc=1.5 GeV, R= mT= F/2 FO QCD (FMNR) p: MRSG, : GRV-G HO Thin: mc=1.5 GeV, R= mT= F/2 Thick: mc=1.2 GeV, R= 0.5 mT f(cD*)=0.235 (LEP) Data more precise than prediction Normalisation, low and par. dependent Problems to describe shape Too low at high Sensitive to -PDF Best with GS-G-HO, but u=c
Charm Production in DIS Double differential D* production cross section QCD predictions: bands (mc,c) : (1.3 GeV,0.35) - (1.5 GeV, 0.01) HVQDIS - NLO DGLAP prediction too low for low pt and positive CASCADE - LO CCFM MC describes data better
Charm Production in DIS - Assumptions NLO FO calculation (BGF) Neglect bound charm (2.5-4.5%) Neglect BR(c D*) = 0.222 - 0.233 from e+e- Extrapolate to full phase space in pT and h Fragmentation effect on the extrapolation is small All measurements agree Data described by NLO QCD Strong scaling violations Steep rise toward low x Ratio grows towards low x ( >25% for Q2 6.5 GeV2)
Open Charm Production - The Gluon Density Distribution Reconstruct gluon momentum fraction xg from e and D* Extract xgg(xg,Q2) by unfolding differential D* cross sections using FO NLO calculations xgg(xg,Q2) xg Gluon parton density from D* in p and DIS agree with QCD fit to inclusive DIS cross section
Charm Production in DIS - D* Unexpected observation The ratio (e-p)/(e+p) rises towards high Q2 and high x Both cross sections are compatible with NLO prediction within errors More data needed
Charm Fragmentation - Universal ? Fragmentation fractions of excited D and Ds mesons Strangeness production from Ds (K+ K-) vs. D*D0 (K ) Strangeness suppression factor s of LUND model
Charm Fragmentation - Universal ? Production of vector mesons (D0) vs pseudoscalar mesons (D*) assume (D*±) = (D*0) PV= 0.546±0.045±0.028 ZEUS 0.57 ±0.05 OPAL 0.595 ±0.045 ALEPH D0 from D*± D0 not from D*± No difference in charm fragmentation found between ep and e+e- collisions All experimental results favour universality of charm fragmentation
Open Beauty Production High quark mass pQCD, but cross section low b/ c 10-2 B Tagging: Semi-leptonic decays with a ptrel method - H1+ZEUS Jet Axis or Thrust Axis Lepton ptrel Jet <0 >0 Impact parameter method - H1 using lifetime information - Intercept of muons from semi-leptonic decays in the transverse plane
Beauty in Photoproduction H1 - Muon Analysis Combined likelihood fit to ptrel and Combine with earlier ptrel measurement B fraction 27±3 % - from fit to MC Predictions: NLO (FMNR) 54 ±9 pb AROMA (LO no resolved) 38 pb CASCADE (LO CCFM-splitting) 66 pb All predictions significantly below data
Beauty in Photoproduction ZEUS electron analysis Electrons identified by dE/dx of tracks Fitted b fraction: 14.7±3.8% - HERWIG predicts 16.2% Cross section by MC (LO) on the low side HERWIG: 8pb, Pythia: 18 pb, Cascade 20 pb
Beauty in Photoproduction ZEUS Muon Analysis From fit: fb~30% Pythia with b excitation describes data reasonably well NLO ? – more data on tape to be analysed
Beauty in DIS First observation of b production in DIS by H1; analysis like in p Sample: 168 events Combined fit in ptrel and fb= 43±8% Predictions: NLO QCD: = (11±2) pb LO MC - AROMA: = 9 pb CASCADE: = 15 pb
Summary - Open Beauty Production at HERA Measured cross section exceeds NLO calculation in p and DIS LO -Monte Carlo predictions are always on the low side Quark excitation improves agreement in central region CCFM improves agreement in central region Forward region too low in all predictions
SUMMARY Large mass of c and b defines hard scale for pQCD Charm - total cross sections predictable p cross section higher than predicted by LO-MCs and NLO calc. at high DIS cross section higher than predicted at high , low x and low Q2 Beauty Cross section measured in p and DIS clearly underestimated by NLO predictions - surprising NNLO Calculations and MCs are needed Investigation of interactions with p-remnant (DIS) or -remnant (factorisation) Need to investigate non-perturbative effects Charm fragmentation - no difference seen between e+e- and ep What comes next ? HERA has been upgraded for high luminosity - 1fb-1 until 2006 Detectors have been upgraded - higher sensitivity and efficiency Precision measurements, QCD tests and detailed investigations of the gluon in the proton, surprises not excluded