Future upgrades of PHENIX


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Presentation transcript:

Future upgrades of PHENIX Y. Akiba 2011/1/21

Next Decade plan Recently, Steve Vigdor (BNL ALD) charged PHENIX and STAR to develop Decadal Plans for 2011 – 2020 Science goals and detector upgrade paths Anticipated Physics results from the current detector upgrades and RHIC upgrades Compelling areas of physics that will open up with further upgrade Plan for eA and ep when eRHIC is realized PHENIX Decadal plan was submitted on October 1, 2010 http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/docs/decadal/2010/phenix_decadal10_full_refs.pdf Mid-term (2011-2015): W program and Heavy Quark physics Beyond 2015: Large upgrade of PHENIX (sPHENIX)

Opportunity for up-grade* or 1st EIC stage (eRHIC-I) Slide by S.Vigor RHIC-II science by-passing RHIC-II project Opportunity for up-grade* or 1st EIC stage (eRHIC-I) eRHIC-I physics EIC = Electron-Ion Collider; eRHIC = BNL realization by adding e beam to RHIC Luminosity upgrade: Staged approach to eRHIC LHC HI starts Further luminosity upgrades (pp, low-E) Further luminosity upgrades (pp, low-E) © V. Litvinenko eRHIC will add electron ERL inside RHIC tunnel, going from 5 to 30 GeV in stages electron recirc-ulation mag-nets * New PHENIX and STAR Decadal Plans provide options for this period. Dedicated storage ring for novel charged-particle EDM measurements another option. 3

eRHIC Design Under Active Consideration Vertically separated recirculating passes. # of passes will be chosen to optimize eRHIC cost Vis-à-vis earlier MeRHIC design, this allows for: more IP’s reusing infra-structure + det. components for STAR, PHENIX? reduced cost easier up-grade path minimal environmental impact concerns IR design to reach 1034 lumi-nosity eRHIC detector injector 2 SRF linac 1 -> 5 GeV per pass 4 (6) passes Coherent e-cooler 5 mm 20 GeV e-beam 15 GeV 10 GeV 5 GeV Common vacuum chamber eRHIC-I  eRHIC: energy of electron beam is increased from 5 GeV to 30 GeV by building up the linacs ePHENIX RHIC: 325 GeV p or 130 GeV/u Au with DX magnets removed Gap 5 mm total 0.3 T for 30 GeV eSTAR © V. Litvinenko

PHENIX Decadal Plan (Oct 2010) Submitted on Sept 30, 2010 Available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/docs/decadal/2010/phenix_decadal10_full_refs.pdf Two part: 2010-2015 (mid term) Physics with (F)VTX, mTrig 2015+ (longer term) Larger Upgrade (sPHENIX) eRHIC connection (ePHENIX)

Mid-term plan (to ~2015) PHENIX Decadal Plan

PHENIX RUN PLAN (2011-2015) PHENIX Decadal Plan Longitudinal spin@ 500 GeV W program 350/pb for Wm 130/pb for We DG at small x Transverse spin@200 GeV 50/pb for muon arms 17/pb with VTX AN of various processes Exploratory of Drell Yan AN : Sivers sign change

PHENIX RUN PLAN (2011-2015) Heavy quark physics with VTX is the main thrust of PHENIX Heavy Ion physics plan in 2011 - 2015 Heavy quark energy loss Heavy quark flow CNM on Heavy Quark Plus Spin Physics with VTX in p+p collisions Charm AN, ALL Bottom AN ALL photon jet AN, ALL di-jet AN, ALL

Physics menu for 2015+ ePHENIX Study of interaction between parton and sQGP medium Direct measurement of Jets and their modification Study of mass dependence of medium-parton interaction High statistic measurement of charm and bottom in Au+Au Measurement of c and b jets Study of color screening in the medium High PtのJ/y(>10 GeV/c) Upsilon Probe of initial condition Direct photon v2 High density QCD at small x Forward Physics ePHENIX eA and ep when eRHIC beam come to PHENIX IR

Physics and observables in 2015+

Possible large upgrade of PHENIX beyond 2015+ Focuses on p+p, d+A, ep, eA Focuses on A+A Technology choice, performance evaluation, and cost estimate is starting Detector R&D is important for coming few years

Evolution of PHENIX? Replace central magnet New forward spectrometer sPHENIX Replace central magnet New forward spectrometer ePHENIX EIC Optimized detectors for e, h

sPHENIX Upgrade Concept Much larger acceptance than PHENIX + DAQ/Trigger: 50B events!

Performance of sPHENIX p/p = 0.007 + 0.0015p electrons p = 5 GeV + p = 5 GeV . Good mom. resolution & e/p separation . Can separate the upsilon states  spectroscopy

sPHENIX physics reach quarkonia Jets, photons Jet measurement for 30-60 GeV Complementary to LHC J/Psi measurements for Wide pt range 10B central events / year == 1 events at 10-10

Forward spectrometer & “ePHENIX” parton dynamics in polarized p+p pT dependent PDFs (TMD’s) & FF’s Drell-Yan to probe q  polarization g, jets, hadrons:other subprocesses ePHENIX: Detect scattered lepton forward (DIS, SIDIS) Investigate nuclear pdf’s to low-x (down to 10-5) Diffractive processes: exclusive rxn is key in e+p Access DVCS by detection of forward nucleon and detection of produced vector meson

Forward Physics Objectives Transverse spin phenomena Kinematics high xf, high rapidity |h| > 2 Drell-Yan test QCD prediction for Sivers btwn SIDIS and DY Separate Sivers and Collins and do a flavor separation for the PDFs p0-jet, g – jet, IFF for identified hadrons, jet AN, direct photon Longitudinal spin phenomena high rapidity |h| > 2  extend x coverage for DG and Dq Drell-Yan in dAu Measure quark distributions in nuclei Possible access to quark saturation EIC physics Measure polarized and unpolarized inclusive structure functions in ep / eA (F2, FL, F3, g1, g2, g5) “Diffractive physics” (DVCS, etc.)

eRHIC Physics eA (5 GeV e x 130A GeV HI to 30 GeV x 130AGeV ) Saturation Physics, CGC eRHIC proved deep inside the saturation region Gluon density G(x,Q2,b) in nuclei b: impact parameter. 3D picture of PDF Parton fragmentation in nuclei hadron formation and energy loss in Cold Nuclear matter ep (5 GeV e x 325 GeV p to 30 GeV e x 325 GeV p) Polarized PDF DG(x), Du(x), Dd(x) at small x Parton Angular Momentum distribution GPD, DVCS TMD q(x,kT,Q2) from SIDIS and charm production

Parton Saturation Hera (e+p) didn’t reach the saturation regime At eRHIC, saturation should be achieved 5 (30) x130 GeV  s1/2 = 51 (125) GeV Hera (e+p) didn’t reach the saturation regime as~1 as << 1 At Small x, saturation must set in when gluons start overlapping

Charge for PAC Review of Decadal Plans Are the science goals in each Plan well-posed and compelling? Are there important questions addressable with RHIC’s capabilities (perhaps after minor upgrades) that you find missing from the Collaboration’s list? How well do the suggested measurement programs answer the highlighted science questions? Are there additional simulations or theoretical work that would strengthen the case for making those measurements? Are the suggested measurement techniques and upgrades essential for answering these questions? (For example, can some questions be adequately answered by high-pT hadron detection without full jet reconstruction?) Is the complementarity of the proposed RHIC program and of LHC heavy-ion capabilities clearly defined and convincing? If not, what would it take to clarify complementarity? Do the measurements proposed with polarized beams constitute a compelling extension of the RHIC Spin Program, achievable with anticipated integrated luminosities? Do the plans and proposed detector upgrades provide the basis for a useful transition of each Collaboration to an era with substantial focus on ep and eA collisions at an eRHIC? How would you rank the priority (high, medium or low) of each proposed upgrade, taking into account both scientific and technical merit and rough estimates of cost? Does the suite of proposed measurements justify RHIC operations beyond ~2017, assuming RHIC-II luminosities? If not yet, how can the case be strengthened?

The Different Approaches of PHENIX & STAR Decadal Plans Slide by S. Vigdor (BNL ALD) The Different Approaches of PHENIX & STAR Decadal Plans Questions for PHENIX Plan: Does science case justify major overhaul $$$? Does jet focus play too much into LHC strengths? Can we understand parton interactions in QGP well enough for jets to quanti-tatively probe degrees of freedom vs. length scale? Can we supplement DOE $ by foreign investments? Stage barrel upgrades? Is ePHENIX well enough integrated into Plan?

Summary Mid-term (2011 – 2015+ ) Harvest physics from PHENIX upgrades and RHIC performance increase Muon Trigger  W measurements at 500 GeV flavor dependence of anti-quark spin VTX  Heavy quark physics in Heavy ion and Spin Heavy quark energy loss and flow Beyond 2015 + Expand physics reach further by a large scale next upgrade of PHENIX (sPHENIX) Mid-rapidty: Focused on Heavy-Ion physics Forward rapidity: Focused on p+p and d+A, and low x physics ep and eA physics when eRHIC is realized R&D for the upgrade is important in the coming few years