United Nations & eTourism Development 2nd Arab International E-Tourism & E-Marketing conference United Nations & eTourism Development Alexander Rayner eTourism Advisor United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
International Arrivals 1990-2008
UNWTO VISION 2020 922 m (2008) - 1.6 b (2020) Middle East 55 million Market share 6% Growth 18% www.UNWTO.org
Tourism Enriches Jobs Infrastructure Trade Development www.UNWTO.org PaxIS Forum 2009
Tourism Policy and Issues Responsible & Sustainable Tourism The UN Tourism Agency Tourism Policy and Issues Responsible & Sustainable Tourism Public & Private Sector Committed to Tourism, Travel and the Millennium Development Goals eTourism Trends
ICAO Civil Aviation Travel Documents MRTD ePassport eVisa
E-Visa Internet Government Systems www.UNWTO.org eTourism Trends
Arrival Passenger Data Monitoring Card Arrival Immigration Card Hotel Registration Card Follow up Card DO IT ONCE - USE MANY TIMES!
UNESCO UNESCO Heritage sites Official Intangible Heritage sites protection of impressive ancient buildings, landscapes, living cultural heritage Official Intangible Heritage sites official recognition of languages,stories, music, dance, theater, rituals, crafts that have given people a sense of identity and continuity over generations
CLIMATE CHANGE Green Section Monitor Contribution Davos Declaration COP15
ICT4D “High speed internet is key to job creation and lasting growth in developing countries”
Millennium Development Goals Develop a global partnership for development Target In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications www.UNWTO.org eTourism Trends
Public Private Partnership (PPP) Commitment to the Millennium Development Goals MDG Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development Target 18: In cooperation with the private sector make available the benefits of new technologies, specifically information and communications www.UNWTO.org
Access to 1.4 Billion Internet Users Source: ITU
Digital Divide www.UNWTO.org eTourism Trends
Digital Experience Gap In 2006 Forrester identified: When products are purchased Don't necessarily buy the content and services to accompany them Creating vast digital experience gaps $3.8 billion in revenue on the table for CE companies.
Create enabling environment Access to ICT Infrastructure & Education & Training Social Media Mobile - 4 billion subscribers Languages - IDNs
Increasing Access www.UNWTO.org eTourism Trends Availability ICT Infrastructure Training & Education Affordability Standards Reduce costs www.UNWTO.org eTourism Trends
A DIFFERENT WEB Source: Cymfony “it’s no longer about web sites – even cool web sites – but about the creation , aggregation and distribution of digital content in a way that supports consumers in achieving their objectives.”
Mobile Telephone Subscribers www.UNWTO.org eTourism Trends
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project Mobile Devices The mobile device will be the primary connection tool to the internet for most people in the world in 2020 Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project www.UNWTO.org eTourism Trends
Arabic : Official Language in 24 Countries www.UNWTO.org eTourism Trends
Arabic 50 million Arabic speaking people using the Internet, 2.9 % of all the Internet users in the world. 291 million world population speaks Arabic 17.2 % use the Internet. Arabic Speaking Internet Users has grown 1,907.9 % in the last eight years (2000-2009).
International Domain Names (IDNs) UNWTO.org
Yahoo! enters Arab Market Maktoob.com Arab world’s largest online community aquired by Yahoo! Yahoo! to offer Arabic-language content for the first time Arabic versions of its products and services, such as instant messaging and email
email Tsunami Tidal wave of digital messages 247 billion email messages on average every day Average computer user receives 167 messages/day To increase to 219/day in 2013 40% of your day on email Communication at the speed of electricity
eTourism Increased Competitiveness More: Jobs, Infrastructure, Trade & Development Increase International Visitor Arrivals : 55 / 922 Million 2008 International Receipts : USD 46 / 944 Billion 2008 Increased Competitiveness eMarketing & Access to 1.7 Billion Internet Users eTourism
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