Industrial Revolution Northern Economy: Industrial Revolution
Cities began to grow due to the growth of more jobs Population Cities began to grow due to the growth of more jobs More people lived in the North than in the South.
The Industrial Revolution Period of rapid growth in manufacturing and production Shipping: Railroad: Left Side Label: South Plantation System: Cotton Gin: Slave Labor: Nat Turner Rebellion Legal Restrictions
Interchangeable Parts Manufacturing and businesses will begin to grow. Occurred because of a demand for manufactured goods Interchangeable Parts Mass Production Eli Whitney
Manufacturing Northeast was home to Industry Factories relied on water in the beginning, then steam was used for power Advantages: built closer to cities Closer to Labor and transportation
Transportation Revolution Fulton invented Steam Boat Move quickly against current did not rely on Wind Shorter Travel Times Peter Cooper invented Steam-Powered Trains Cheaper Shipping Costs Not Affected by Weather Conditions Helped Cities Grow Rapid growth in the speed and convenience of Travel More Roads and Canals began to built Advantages: Shipping Times and Cost reduced Made good Cheaper
Southern Economy
Plantation System Demand for cotton grew rapidly with rise of the Textile Industry CASH CROPS: Plantation System: Cotton Gin: Slave Labor: Nat Turner Rebellion Legal Restrictions Cotton, Indigo, Tobacco AGRICULTURE was the CENTER of the ECONOMY NEED FOR SLAVES INCREASED
Plantation system Some slaves worked the fields, while some in the home as servants Poor living conditions Viewed as property not people; were bought and sold at auctions.
Plantation owners could clean cotton faster which lowered the price Cotton GIN Plantation owners could clean cotton faster which lowered the price Eli Whitney Cotton Gin 1793
Cotton Cotton Back Then….. Labor Intensive!
Nat Turner’s Rebellion God told him to start a rebellion! Begins in August 1831 60 to 70 Slaves involved South Hampton County, Virginia Hundreds of innocent slaves were killed trying to stop the rebellion 55 to 65 Whites killed 40 Hours long Poor weapons and very little ammunition Nat Turner
Nat Turner’s Rebellion Southern states began passing repressive state laws. PANIC!