Marketing Consultant
With our technical staff and extensive knowledge of SEO, SEM, Face Book & Twitter, combined with our website promotion expertise, we have positioned ourselves as a leader in Search Engine Optimization for small businesses. We are a one stop shop creating an optimized Marketing-Site that we submit to the major search engines, online directories, and Local Maps for Google & Yahoo. In addition, we create a Facebook Page & Twitter Profile, and have Marketing Consultants available to our customers to teach them how to take advantage of the social networks to promote themselves virally.
We are proven experts at helping companies get traffic and new customers. We were founded in While most companies that call on you are start ups we have been in direct search as a national yellow page company before the advent of Google, Yahoo and Bing were founded. Our team on executives and support staff has been assisting our clients with search engine marketing for 10 years now. About Our Company
73% of activity online is in one way or another related to local content. (Google 5/07) For every one dollar U.S. consumers spend online, another five or six are going to offline purchases that are influenced by online research. (MIT Technology Review, April 2005, "E-Commerce Gets Smarter) 97% of Internet users in the U.S. gather shopping information online. Of those consumers, 51% explicitly characterize their behavior as Shop online, purchase offline. (NPD Group) New research by The Kelsey Group and Con Stat indicates that 70% of U.S. households now use the Internet when shopping locally for products and services. Findings also suggest that the Internet is poised to surpass newspapers as a local shopping information resource.
70 percent of online searchers will use local search to find offline businesses. The Kelsey Group reports that 74 percent of Internet users perform local searches. There are approximately 300 million searches per day for information on the Internet. (Nielsen/Net Ratings 2005) With nearly 400 million active members, Facebook has positioned itself as a force over the next decade.
$99 per month & a one time set up charge for: 3 to 5 Page Marketing site optimized on Google, Yahoo, Bing and dozens of relevant directories like,, Yelp, Kudzu, Info USA & MerchanCircle to name a few. Local Maps Submission for Google & Yahoo, Facebook page & Twitter Profile.
With the Internet changing so quickly, how can Main Street businesses keep up with it? Top Local Leads wants to be your online Marketing Consultant With our comprehensive approach, we are a one stop source to allow small businesses to leverage the Internet and be on multiple search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing,,, Info USA, Yelp, City Search, Facebook and Twitter through one source at an affordable fixed monthly rate. With all the changes going on with the major search engines so that small businesses on Main Street can benefit from online search we will show you how to keep up with these changes and drive leads to your business.
Sample Facebook Page
We have thousands of marketing sites across the Internet that are producing leads for our clients. We have well know national franchises like Quiznos, Comfort Inn, Honey Dew Donuts and Yellow Cab. Top Local Leads
BusinessCity# of Calls # of Months Monthly Fee A & N DentalTempe13246$99 A-1 GlassReseda1886$99 Affordable Limousine Mobile1985$99 The Natural pet Grooming Scotts- AZ 2317$99 In-Home TV Service LA-CA2407$99 Taxi Service Ricmond Rich- VA 2186$99