Referrals essentials
What's Changed? Referral requests for BF, YH, IFP & IFBS are now tailored to the type of referral. Set of system validations for each type of referral, to assist caseworkers in referring a child or young person to the right program. Referrals completed in Childstory will be sent directly to NGOs in Partner Community Accepting a referral gives NGO Caseworkers access to the Person Role and Case records. Depending on service NGOs can now capture joint home visits and initial planning meetings, ability to enter services delivered, quarterly progress updates, conclusion and outcome reports. Any Changes to the referral by NGOs will update on the FACS referral record in real time
Learning Outcomes 1. Creating and Sending a Referral 2. Partner Community View 3. Referral Management 4. Closing a Referral 5. How to Complete a Generic Referral 6. Questions and Support
Referral Pathways Download from the Childstory website: Overview of Referrals Pathways
Creating & Sending a Brighter Futures Referral (each referral has different content but the system functionality is similar)
Create the referral CSC CS calls agency to confirm capacity From an Active Case or Triage (engagement record) select New Service Provider Referral action button Enter or Search for the desired name of the program or service, then search for the Service Provider Save
Complete Referral Details Within the REQ-XXXXX Record Select edit Complete the service request details including: Legislation Eligibility Referred Unit Referring CSC Details FACS Involvement Section Child Protection history Other Services involved Workers Safety Attachments Click save
Service Parties Add service request parties. Navigate to Service Request Parties by scrolling down the service request record to the Service Request Parties Select Add Service Request Parties to add individuals or Add Parties from Person Group. Edit service parties to add information on how the parties are related to the referral and capture consent. Note: every referral must have a subject and a subject related participant Note: If generated from a case Person Group Parties should automatically attach to the referral
Generate Template and Consent Within the referral record REQ-XXXX generate referral request and consent form This is required because it creates a printable version of the referral and consent. These templates are accessible under files within the REQ-XXXX.
BFAU Assessment In order to protect families confidentiality and privacy the BFAU assessment which determines eligibility needs to be completed and attached to the REQ-XXXX prior to the referral been sent to the BF lead agency. Change Owner to BFAU Queue. To do this In the Service Request record, locate the Owner field and click on the Change hyperlink next to the Owner name. In the pop-up box, choose Queue from the dropdown. Use the lookup tool to look up BFAU Queue. The BFAU will: Complete an eligibility assessment and history. BFAU MCW reviews assessment and writes an approval comment. If eligible BFAU MCW changes Owner to the original caseworker. If ineligible BFAU can close the referral.
Submit for Approval Submit for approval Once approved but the MCW, Childstory will send the referral to the NGO, who will access it via Partner Community Request Status: what is happening to the record until it is accepted by the NGO Record Status: Is the referral record Complete, Incomplete, Cancelled Approval Status: This is the FACS approval
System Validations & Mandatory Fields Childstory has mandatory fields and system validations: Mandatory fields are questions in the referrals which have to be answered before the referral can be submitted. E.g. Is an interpreter required? System validations are criteria in the referral which must align with the program guidelines for the referral to proceed. E.g. For a BF referral there must be a subject attached to the referral under 9 years of age A list of all mandatory fields and validations for IFBS, IFP, YH and BF can be found on the childstory website within the online module.
Every Referral is Different Referrals for BF, YH, IFBS and IPF are tailored within Childstory to the service. Visit To watch youtube video on How to Create an IFBS Referral
Partner Community
Referrals in Partner Community When a referral is submitted NGOs there will be an Email notification with a link direct to the referral in partner When they sign into partner they will see the Dashboard/Homepage. Dashboard contains various different reports of their new and current referrals. and
Viewing Referrals in Partner Prior to accepting the referral NGOs can only view the information included in the referral/service request They accept or decline by clicking the respective button in the top right hand corner.
Updating the Referral NGOs will update the: First Meeting Update Referred Unit details NGO Caseworker NGO Caseworker email NGO service outlet This information will appear in the service request on Casework Child story in real time.
Viewing Person Role and Case Viewing the Person Role and Case ChildStory automatically shares the associated Person Role records with everyone in the service provider organisation who has a Manager role in Partner Community. Basic details will be visible across person role and case. NGO workers will be able to see lists of related files and engagements but they will not be able to access the content
Referral Management
Case Transfer & Responsibility In ChildStory, Primary Responsibility is the term used to indicate who is responsible for the case. When BF, YH & IFP accept the case unless there is a legal order in place, primary responsibility transfers to the NGO. Primary responsibility will not transfer for IFBS The Case Owner of the record is transferred to the Service Provider. The case remains open to allow the NGO to access information and upload reports from ChildStory via Partner Community. The case will close when the NGO closes the referral.
Reports Partner FACS Anything that NGO service providers add to the referral in partner will appear in real-time in the referral on caseworker Childstory.
General Person Requests & 16a NGOs will no be able to update any information on the person page or the details of the case. To do so they will need to submit a general person request. When FACS updates the information, Partner will update NGOs will also be able to complete 16as using this functionality
Email Notifications Notification emails will be sent to NGOs by Childstory when: When there is a new ROSH Safety assessment of Unsafe When a Placement has been Approved When a RAM is put onto the system
Closing a Referral
How to Close a Referral in Partner NGOs can Close a Referral in Partner by selecting: To Close a referral NGOs must have completed: Case History information Referral Services Detail First Meeting Update Quarterly Progress Report Conclusion Report As soon as a referral is closed NGOs will loose access to the child and case
How FACS ends a Referral in Childstory Caseworkers can cancel a Referral if it has not been submitted Caseworkers can withdraw a referral if it has not been accepted by the NGO There is a close button. It is not recommended to use this if the Referral is active as the NGO information is required to be up to date CWM from the originating CSC can transfer the case back to the CSC however they will not be able to transfer the case to the NGO
Other Types of Referrals
How to Complete a Generic Referral Go to the child or young person’s relevant Active Case or Triage Select New Service Provider Referral action button Choose Service, depending on desired referral type Enter or Search for the desired name of the service Enter or Search for the desired Service Provider Select Save This will generate a generic referral template Generic
How to Complete a Generic Referral If the NGO does not have access to partner portal an email is sent by Childstory to the service provider containing any records stored within the files The referral will be recorded in service request history in Childstory.
What to Do if your SVO is missing Contact the Childstory Support to triage the issues. Support may redirect you to: the PAFA (Procurement, Payments and Funding Administration) if there is an issue for contracted Service. Email Local Admin team for assistance Advise you to create the service provider In Childstory search knowledge for How do I Create a Service Provider? Download the form Email the form to Service Directory:
What to Do if your SVO is missing If the matter is urgent (i.e. <24h) then complete the referral manually and follow up with Support or PAFA or Childstory Service Directory When you cannot find a suitable space in the referral section of Childstory to record your referral, it can be attached as a note and attachment
Support and Resources
Ongoing Training & Weekly Webinars Online Modules – Check Knowledge articles in ChildStory Watch YouTube How To videos Contact Support: Email : Phone : 1300 356 696 available 7am-10pm