Strong Workforce Program: Demystifying the $200M


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Presentation transcript:

Strong Workforce Program: Demystifying the $200M 11/15/2018 Strong Workforce Program: Demystifying the $200M Local and Regional Shares Debra Jones, Ed.D. Javier Romero Lynn Shaw Rock Pfotenhauer 9-28-16 California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Use of $200M Strong Workforce Program Increase quantity of CTE Improve quality of CTE Courses, programs, pathways, credentials (licensure), certificates, degrees “More and Better CTE”

Strong Workforce Program Metrics 11/15/2018 Size of CTE Programs (“more”) Enrollments Outcomes for CTE Programs (“better”) Completion Transfer Employment Employment in field of study Second quarter earnings Median change in earnings Proportion of students who attained a living wage RP available to answer detailed data questions California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Flow of Funds 60% Local Shares 40% Regional Shares Goes to districts to invest in CTE at colleges 40% Regional Shares Invests in CTE at colleges upon coordinated action

Allocation Model for the Funds Unemployment rate Proportion of FTEs Projected job openings Successful workforce outcomes (2017-18)* California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

Allowable Uses of Funds Use reasonable standard Focus on Strong Workforce outcomes Supplement not supplant Labor Market Data CTE Portfolio “The percentage of that community college district’s total full-time equivalent students enrolled in career technical education courses relative to the total full-time equivalent students enrolled in the district shall not be reduced from the percentage computed for the 2015–16 fiscal year.” California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

Local Share – 60% California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

Regional Share 40% California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

Strong Workforce Program Process Flow Chart 11/15/2018 RP available to answer detailed data questions California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Two Regional Planning Processes May be integrated Regions customize Due January 31, ‘17 College Regional Planning Allocation of 40% Collaborative Regional Planning Workforce Systems Alignment

Plan Purpose Align CTE courses, programs, and pathways with the needs of regional economies Close labor market & employment gaps Avoid duplication, streamlines access

Engage Stakeholders Workforce Development Boards Adult Ed Block Grant Consortia Local Education Agencies Interested UC/CSU Civic, Labor, Econ Dev, Industry Reps

Inform Conversation with Data Analysis of regional labor market needs including wage data Inventory of existing programs & workplans that address labor market gaps, build career pathways, utilize sector strategies

Collaborative Regional Plan Set regional LM demand/supply priorities, identify priority sectors Support regional pathways Coordinate work-based learning, industry engagement Align workplans, spending plans Set measurable goals

Regional College Plan Funds allocated in accordance with plan & only to community colleges All funding decisions made only by participating community colleges Select Fiscal Agent Develop Governance Model

Potential Uses of Regional Share More & better CTE focused on regional labor market gaps Strong Workforce Task Force Recommendations Region-wide marketing to employers, students, families Data support Strengthening regional coordination, communication, decision- making

Resources and Tools 11/15/2018 RP available to answer detailed data questions California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Identify critical labor market needs in your region Key Activities 11/15/2018 Identify critical labor market needs in your region Select occupational codes Determine the target region Select program codes Validate labor market information for target programs Select metrics and create outcomes projections Create your budget Get approval from your college & district Fill out the Local Share Template California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Review the Regional LMI Assessments Centers of Excellence Regional Labor Market Assessments regional demand and supply data organized by major occupational groups California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Explore the Labor Market Library California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

1. Review Your CTE Portfolio Questions to consider during your analysis: What do you offer that meets the needs of your region? What are your most successful programs in terms of student outcomes? What needs are being fulfilled by other colleges? What needs are not met and how do these needs relate to your specialty areas? Result: A list of programs and/or college-wide activities that the college will invest in California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Resources to Validate Labor Market Information 1) COE Demand and Supply Tables Retrieve LMI data for relevant occupations and regions 2) LMI Resource Library Filter by sector and region to obtain reports and data 3) COE Regional Labor Market Assessments Review reports for your selected occupations 4) LaunchBoard Program Snapshot Demonstrate that at least 50% of students earned a living wage California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

If You Still Can’t Find What You Need Contact your regional Center of Excellence Contact a Deputy Sector Navigator or Sector Navigator: California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Outcomes Projections 11/15/2018 All colleges will need to set projections on enrollments for 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 Colleges seeking to improve CTE outcomes will also need to select one or more measures from the “better” metrics list and create projections for 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 Projections will need to be set for separately for each selected TOP code/sector, or for all programs for college-wide investments All outcomes will be based on information in the LaunchBoard (colleges do not need to upload data or calculate results) RP available to answer detailed data questions California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

1. Strong Workforce Program Metrics Questions to consider during your analysis: If you are seeking to improve CTE outcomes, which metrics are most relevant for your investment? How much will you realistically be able to change these figures within the designated time frames? Are your students under-represented in specific metrics (such as early childhood education programs showing low employment rates, because self-employed people are not included in the state employment file, or not attaining living wages due to systemically lower wages)? Result: selected metrics and outcomes projections, to upload in the local share template California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

1. College & District Approval Community college districts were the recipients of the $200 million Strong Workforce Program allocations Programs and budgets submitted for funding through the local share template will pass through college- level approval and district-level certification Result: approval that allows colleges to submit the local share template California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

Regional Share Process California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students

For more information: Thank You! California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students