Theme & Theme Statements The Search for Meaning
What is a Theme? Theme: the central message of a literary or artistic work; the idea/meaning an author expresses about a subject or topic In other words… Theme is what the story teaches readers and we as readers express this through a theme statement.
NO! – those are just topics! Theme Statements A theme statement is not a word; it is (at least) a sentence. Can the meaning or message of a text be love? Greed? Loneliness? NO! – those are just topics! Instead, what is the author saying about those topics?
Writing Theme Statements: Brainstorm or select a topic of the text/work, for example: loneliness, hope, racism, freedom, etc. Then… 2. Combine the topic with what the author is suggesting about human nature, the human condition, or human motivation
Writing Theme Statements Topic = What? Identity Theme = So what? In our society, we allow stereotypes to determine our standards of beauty and value.
Instead, a theme IS… A Theme is NOT… An observation A common saying A Moral or a command It doesn’t tell us how to behave by using words like “should” An observation Comments on the way things appear to be in reality A common saying It’s not a cliché, a maxim, or an aphorism Original & Thoughtful Should be something you find interesting and put into own words Specific to the text It doesn’t refer to specific characters or plot from text General, about reality Translates characters/plot into generalizations such as “people,” “parents,” etc. (3rd person) Absolute Doesn’t use words like “all,” “none,” or “always” Reasonable Uses terms like “sometimes,” “often,” etc. to reflect reality
Theme Statement Model In (name of text) , (author) presents the idea that (topic) (statement about topic) . In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee presents the idea that an education requires more than just what is learned at school. --------- In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee presents the idea that an education requires more than just what is learned at school; instead, it requires life experience, exposure to different viewpoints, and careful guidance.
Can You Identify Themes in…
Example Theme Statements Theme statements do… Examples of beginning theme statements: …draw a general insight from a character’s behavior Friends are not always trustworthy …express the theme as an insight into life Gossip can cause serious damage to a person’s reputation …express the theme in your own words People who commit crimes may be punished in unexpected ways …express the theme as a general comment on a subject People with realistic goals tend to be more successful than those who put little thought into their futures
Examples of POOR Theme Statements Theme statements DO NOT… Examples of poorly written theme statements: …express the theme as a subject or topic The theme is goals for the future …express the theme as an addage or familiar saying (cliche) -It’s wrong to gossip about people -The truth hurts …make a thematic statement too general or obvious Poverty causes crime …refer to specific characters from the text A theme is Curley’s wife is lonely because she wants admiration from all the men in the book.