Flood plain Management Objective: classify human and physical causes of flooding Starter: Look at the picture below... Calculate the height of the flood water. What would be affected at this height? Outcome: Identify and classify causes of flooding – Human and Physical Practice interpreting news paper articles Describe the effects of flooding on people and environment Begin to identify how the effects of flooding can be reduced.
What difference does land use make? LESS FLOODING MORE FLOODING Write or stick the labels onto the appropriate part of this diagram. Slow movement of water through drainage basin Fast movement of water through drainage basin causes floods
Factors contributing to flooding page 93 Physical Factors Human Factors Intense Rainfall More than infiltration, increased surface run off Deforestation Less soil storage or plant use, increases surface run off Snow melt Spring snow melt causes large volumes of water Urbanisation Impermeable surfaces such as concrete and tarmac Impermeable rock Some drainage basin have rocks such as granite which do not allow infiltration (Boscombe) Climate change Increased temps – melting ice, more storms
Impacts of Flooding – Using Sources Exams use news articles - Read the article Australia is experiencing very heavy rain, what else has increased the severity of the flooding? Consider the effects of the Australian floods Effects on environment Effects on people Damage to marine ecosystems by fresh water e.g. Great barrier coral reef Loss of soil affects money made from crops and farmland Pesticides wash off the farm land into the sea Loss of tourism due to reef damage and environment damage Environmental Economic
Effects of flooding on people and environment Copy the two diagrams on page 94 Effects on people Effects on Environment Answer the exam question on page 94 Read the news report on flooding in Wales in 2008 What caused this flooding Identify three impacts How did the fire fighters cope?
Prediction and prevention of the effects of river flooding Forecasting monitor rivers (environment agency), Warn people of risk and evacuate people, map areas at risk of flooding, Building Design Have tiles floors not carpets Raise height of sockets above 1.5m Fit stainless steel or plastic kitchens (not chipboard) Fit boilers upstairs Planning Don’t build in high risk areas, or use it for recreation – Land zoning Read page 94/96
Education Preparation Local authorities post leaflets to residents Advertise information on TV and radio Website Helpline Drills and training exercises Preparation Adapt your house Discuss and evacuation plan Store drinking water – in containers or bathtubs Keep a stock of food (no fridge or cooking required) First aid kits Disaster kit – Rubber gloves, radio, torch, batteries, can opener
H/W Check the flood information for the River Tees, Darlington www.environment-agency.gov.uk http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods/31632.aspx Check the flood information for the River Tees, Darlington Create a leaflet that could be distributed to houses at risk of flooding in this area Explain what they should do before, during and after the flood.