Unit 8: World War II 3.5.18
History Unfolded: US Newspapers & the Holocaust What did Americans know about the Holocaust?
History Unfolded: US Newspapers & the Holocaust National project for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Task: Find newspaper articles about the Holocaust in Washington newspapers Results will be submitted to the USHMM database Last year we got 23 articles published into the database
Objectives Identify what info was available to Americans about the threat of Nazism and the Holocaust Draw conclusions about what people in the US knew about the Holocaust Read “How Americans Got Their News in the 1930s and 1940s” as a class
Task Pairs One event per pair Search online databases of newspapers in Washington for that event Report on your findings Have pairs grab 1 surface & log in
Tutorial How to Read Newspapers from the 1930s & 40s https://newspapers.ushmm.org/about/scanning-newspapers
Events Link on my website Kristallnacht Dachau Father Coughlin Albert Einstein Jewish Refugees Book Burnings Child Refugees Bills American Citizens Attacked Yellow Stars Nuremberg Race Laws Charles Lindbergh Paris Jews Berlin Olympics Nazi Plan Germany Annexes Austria
Research Use the newspaper databases (linked on my site) to find articles about your event Once you find an article: Tell me first!!!! Check to make sure the USHMM doesn’t already have it (link on my website) Complete the Data Collection Form (p.1) Answer the Article Comparison Qs (p.2) Submit your results to USHMM (link)
Unit 8: World War II 3.6.18
Research Use the newspaper databases (linked on my site) to find articles about your event Once you find an article: Tell me first!!!! Check to make sure the USHMM doesn’t already have it (link on my website) Complete the Data Collection Form (p.1) Answer the Article Comparison Qs (p.2) Submit your results to USHMM (link)
Submit Your Article Click the “Submit Your Research Here” link Open up my website Click the “Submit Your Research Here” link Follow the directions Don’t forget to submit a screenshot
Share Out Event (brief description) What newspaper covered the event? On what page? Was it harder or easier to find articles than you thought it would be? Was there more or less coverage on the event than you thought there’d be?
Discussion Any surprises? Anything stand out? How much did Americans know about the Holocaust? What role should the media play in the response to persecution/violence?