The study of teeth CS: MT-10; HS- 8 Odontology The study of teeth CS: MT-10; HS- 8
Define the following (p.554-555): Odontology (Odont-) Objectives Students will: Identify and label the (4) main parts of the tooth Differentiate deciduous and succedaneous teeth Define the following (p.554-555): Odontology (Odont-) Dentition (Dent-) (3 dentitions/sets = 3 cards) Mastication Crown Root Apex (Apical Foramen) Cervix (Cerv-) Make flashcards or a foldable
where nerves and blood vessels enter the tooth Parts of a tooth Section of tooth visible in mouth; protected by enamel Cervix - Section where the crown joins the root; cemento-enamel junction Section of tooth below the gingiva (gums), covered by cementum; anchors tooth into bony socket (2 roots= bifurcated; 3 roots = trifurcated) Apex with Apical Foramen The tip of the root of the tooth which contains an opening called the apical foramen where nerves and blood vessels enter the tooth
Draw and label the (4) main parts of a tooth (p. 555)
Main parts of a tooth review Write the questions and answers on your paper Which part of the tooth contains a passage way for nerves and blood vessels? What is the passageway for nerves and blood vessels called? Which part of the tooth is considered the neck, where the crown and root join? If a tooth has 2 roots, it is called _______. If a tooth has 3 roots, it is called _______. The part of the tooth which is visible is called the ______. Cerv- refers to ______.
Create an odontology quizlet and Add each new abbreviation and term.