Effective ‘Retrospection’ through Pointing Poker Online Tool Ravi Kumar Kulandasamy, Associate Test Lead First American India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Logo of your organization
Abstract Every Agile teams involve in Retrospection after every end of iteration to discuss on what went well & what went wrong. When the Teams are scattered ( Onshore & Offshore ) the team spends more than 2 hours towards Retrospection ( Discussing & Documenting all the points from each team members, generally handled by the scrum masters. Most of the time the points provided by the first person who kicks off the session will be agreed by rest of the teams, where in real issues/ pain areas won’t comes out of the meeting. Moreover team members hesitate to bring up the issues against any of the peers.
Use of www. pointingpoker Use of www.pointingpoker.com/retro online tool for Retrospection meeting will help the team on the below points : Everyone in the team will get an opportunity to enter their points 1 hour for each retrospection will be saved for documenting all the points, where in we can export the entered data through pointing poker Team members can provide exact points on what needs to be improved, As if they want to point out any resource or a process for failure , they can select "Anonymous" option and enter the comments, which will not display the name. Any one in the team can run the Retrospection, not required to have a scrum master .
Step 1 :
Step -2: After joining the session, Share the URL to the Team members
Step -3: Those who joined the session will get displayed under Players menu
Step -3: Click on “Add” button to add the comments under 3 sections:
Step -3: Once everyone is done with the points, Click on the Review mode :
Step -3: Click on Export :
References & Appendix www.pointingpoker.com
Author Biography Ravi Kumar Kulandasamy holding 10+ years of experience in Software Testing & Currently working as a Test Lead-cum-Scrum Master in First American.
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