Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Movie Link
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Arrested. Taken to jail by the police. In context: Donald Trump should be arrested for obstruction of justice!! N-400 Question: Have you ever been arrested or committed a crime?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary To bear arms To carry weapons to fight In context: The 1st Amendment allows Americans to bear arms to protect themselves N-400 Question: If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms for the United States?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Claimed to be a US citizen. To tell someone that you are a US citizen when you are not. In context: I have never claimed to be a US citizen. N-400 Question: Have you ever claimed to be a US citizen?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Communism. No freedom – ideas of Karl Marx. In context: Communism spread through Russia and Eastern Europe after the 2nd World War. N-400 Question: Have you ever been been a member of the Communist Party?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Deportation. To be sent back to your old country. In context: Breaking the law in the US may lead to deportation for non-US citizens. N-400 Question: Have you ever been deported from any country?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Genocide. Killing a whole nation or race. In context: The killing of 25% of Cambodia’s population by Pol Pot in the 20th century is an example of genocide. N-400 Question: Have you ever participated in genocide?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Habitual drunkard. Someone who drinks too much alcohol every day. In context: A habitual drunkard is intoxicated (drunk) every day. N-400 Question: Have you ever been a habitual drunkard?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Labor camp. A place to keep people and force them to work. In context: The Nazis forced Jews to work in labor camps such as Auschwitz. N-400 Question: Have you ever worked in a labor camp?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Legally incompetent. Declared insane. Crazy In context: People who are legally incompetent have a guardian appointed by the court to make legal decisions on his or her behalf. N-400 Question: Have you ever been declared legally incompetent?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Mental institution. Hospital for crazy people In context: People who are insane are sent to have medical care in a mental institution. N-400 Question: Have you ever been committed to a mental institution?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Non-combatant. Someone who does not fight for the military In context: A non-combatant is a civilian – such as an interpreter or paramedic - who serves in the military in time of war. N-400 Question: If the law requires it, are you willing to perform non-combatant services for the armed forces?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Oath of Allegiance. A promise to be loyal to the United States. In context: Part of the Naturalization process requires that applicants swear an Oath of Allegiance to the US. N-400 Question: Are you willing to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Polygamy. Having more than one spouse (husband or wife) at a time. In context: Mormons and Muslims are examples of supporters of polygamy. N-400 Question: Have you ever been involved in polygamy?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Prostitution. Paying or receiving money for sex. In context: Prostitution in Italy is not a crime, unless it is with an underage minor. N-400 Question: Have you ever been involved in paying for, or receiving money from, prostitution?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Rebel Group A group of people who fight against the government. In context: The Taliban is a rebel group that took control of Afghanistan. N-400 Question: Have you ever been a member of a rebel group or militia?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Republic. The government of the people, by the people and for the people. In context: The United States government is a Federal Republic. N-400 Question: Do you support the form of government of the US republic?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Terrorist organization. A group of people who do violent acts against people and the government. In context: ISIS is a terrorist organization fighting to re-establish an Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East. N-400 Question: Have you ever been a member of a terrorist organization?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Terrorism. An organized act of violence against the people (civilians) and the government. In context: The destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001 is an example of terrorism. N-400 Question: Have you ever been involved in terrorism?
Citizenship Interview Vocabulary Work of national importance. Helping the country in time of disaster (flood, famine, earthquake, hurricane, etc.). In context: Hurricane Harvey led to civilians doing work of national importance. N-400 Question: Are you willing to help the government with work of national importance?
Quiz Time!!!! Deportation Genocide Communism Arrested Prostitution Legally incompetent Non-combatant Arrested Prostitution Claimed to be a US citizen Bear arms Habitual Drunkard
Quiz Time!!!! Republic Terrorism Labor camp Terrorist organization Work of national importance Labor camp Terrorist organization Oath of Allegiance Rebel group Polygamy