EuroQuest 2018 November 7-11, 2018 Pikesville Doubletree 1726 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, Maryland 21208 410-653-1100 / 800-283-0333 Pre-registration Full 5 day Attendance: $45 At the door Full 5 day Attendance: $65 (any one day $20, except Sunday is $10) Visit for more registration information and GCOM member discounts! Volunteers for GMs or registration desk duties receive t-shirts and/or gift certificates for their service. EuroQuest offers 18 Main Event Tournaments and the Wildcard Tournament, earning points toward the prestigious Harold L. Siegelman Trophy. (Full tournament list is available on the website.). Great Western Trail replaced Russian Railroads this year! EuroQuest has over 9000 square feet of gaming space and will have specialized one day tournaments (current tournaments planned are Pandemic and Carcassonne). EQ often features a first look at some of the hottest new games from Essen, Germany, before they are available in the US. Game designers are also invited to demonstrate their newest prototypes. EQ conducts prize drawings with attendees having a chance to take a new Essen game home. Saturday is the auction store, Mega-Civilization, and special Pandemic tournament. And, of course, there’s plenty of room for Open Gaming with full access to the GCOM Game Library, and vendors offering the opportunity to expand your own collection. For more details, visit the EQ website or contact convention director Rodney Bacigalupo ( EuroQuest is owned and operated solely by the Games Club of Maryland (GCOM).