Who Are We? Friday, September 2nd, 2016
Past/Present/Future Please complete this in your English notebook. Label the page. (A title and a date are common items included in labels.) Where did you come from? Location, school, meaningful experience, etc. Who are you now? Write anything that identifies YOU Where are you going? Goals, dreams, aspirations, your next class, etc…
Turn and Talk Turn to the person next to you With that person, share your “P/P/F” Report out
I Learned About… Materials: 1 lined sticky note & a writing utensil On your sticky: write three things you learned about this summer, and briefly explain each Growing an orchid… Arizona in the summer… 16 miles of hiking in one day…
I Learned About… Rotation 1: Find someone in the room wearing a similar article of clothing as you. Pick one “Learned About…” from your list and explain to each other.
I Learned About… Rotation 2: Find someone in the room born in the same month as you. Pick one “Learned About…” from your list (same OR different) and explain to each other.
I Learned About… Rotation 3: Find someone in the room with the same number of siblings as you. Pick one “Learned About…” from your list (same OR different) and explain to each other Debrief: What do you notice about the relationship between audience and content?
Ms. Bochenek Class of 2017 Advisor 6th year at SHS Hiking, backpacking, all things outdoors, soccer, horses, purple, reading, my cat Comet, school! About Me
Class Playlist Write down the name and the artist/band of 3 of your favorite songs. These need to be SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. Bring this list in to class on Tuesday 9/6 and I’ll create a class playlist on Spotify
Class Playlist: Tuesday 9/6 Take out your list of 3 songs Take out a half-sheet of notebook paper Write a short explanation for EACH song for why you chose it Staple your list to your half sheet and turn it in to the box Debrief – due dates exist in the real world!
Class Share! What Do We Want To Learn? On Your Own: In your journal, write a list (10 +/-?) of stuff/items/things/etc. you’d like to learn about this year AP English Language and Composition At SHS Life Class Share!