Website enhancements in 2018 ZEDMIBA website: Keeping up with everything in ZMF!
Agenda for this Breakout Session Run through voting paper. Infonia presentation. We explain each item thoroughly. Educational bullets. Disclaimer! Online concurrences! Name standards! Ideas? , thoughts?, observations? 275 airlines use the website and concurrences ZED MIBA AGM 2018 | Dubrovnik
What does the website provide you with ? Who’s who. Complete overview of ARs Contact details. Hardcore ISTA and general ZEDMIBA knowledge. Core agreement, details, invaluable trivia and indispensable facts. History. Momentary lapse of memory, step forward Calendars. Next meetings. Previous meetings. When, where and what. Communication. Send emails to all, groups or individuals. Receive messages from Community, Council, web provider. 1638 drafts where at least one part needs to agree
New features introduced in 2017 1638 Number of drafts where at least one part needs to agree withdrawing a proposed draft draft print at any time FIXED reject option homeland of the members “signed hard copy required” history of the concurrence persons age 12-15 - new PTC Znn/ZYP withdrawing a proposed draft PTCs for travel partner Annex F formating Filtering (Pending, Approved, Rejected, Action req. from my side, Action req. from the partner)
airlines with active concurrences 2018 Proposed Features 211 airlines with active concurrences AR in My Account Change of AR New memberships online revision Routemaps Upcoming events Newsletter distribution update Optional: Gizmo Surveys integration S/A/F link in PDF Type ID50 removal Fixes in changes log Airline logos and images handling Name box Signatures in PDF Concurrences: pre-filled boxes Changes to mail groups Glossary improvements Concurrences communication log IATA/MSC integration Event registration fixes ZED MIBA AGM 2018 | Dubrovnik
AR in My Account Change of AR Authorized Representative and Email Address fields will be locked, and only editable by MSC. This to ensure control on AR changes. Change of AR Most online Concurrences 153 124 104 Transformation of a sub-user to AR. For instance, Laura is Leaving, Noemi wants to be in charge, merges with above point.
Membership application upgrade New membership to be 100% via online tool. Better spam filters using stronger security (captcha etc) 1638 Number of drafts where at least one part needs to agree Routemaps A field in the Member card will show on the No work for Infonia :-( IATA/MSC integration IATA functioning as an airline, with access to online concurrences. 275 airlines use the website and concurrences Event registration upgrade Event registration page, getting rid of subusers in the list (
All ACTIVE online concurrences Gizmo Surveys Integration (Optional) Use of links that can be added by anyone (no work) or for iframe integration (2 days). 2 580 All ACTIVE online concurrences Downgrade: Pre-filled boxes Downgrade to be filled for both XX on YY + YY on XX. Airline logos and images Easy tool add airline logo and a possibility to add photo of AR. Adding logos manualy (1 day) Drag & Drop Functionality (3 days) 37 Number of concurrences in PENDING state. Agreed to, but not yet in effect.
S/A/F link in PDF When PDF/printout is chosen, a link is placed in document for printout. Rather useless. Link for S/A/Fs to be replaced by directory-wording. Infonia comment: No problem (can be done as part of another task) Quote: 1/2 DAY (May be done as part of signatures on one page check)
1071 New concurrences since last AGM new airlines since last AGM Changes log upgrade Effective date, wording, member card, highlights. “Air Berlin (AB) was deleted from the member list.” 1071 New concurrences since last AGM 19 new airlines since last AGM
Name box From 2017 enhancements; Member List, clear specification of first name / surname / gender (Mr x Ms)- will be ready till end of May.? Infonia comment: This is already done and out I think - but in some cases we do not know right spelling or gender so the autoupdate was not done - airlines should edit that themselfs. reminder from Council! Infonia to implement in the box: First name/ family name Surname / family name ALSO: if I click on my name (email) in the box, go to Profile Quote: +1/2 DAY
Concurrences communication log Change Message to a kind of Notepad, for all communication on an ISTA, as history via email gets lost in…history! Infonia comment: saved messages also to system (not sent only by email) - more info needed Quote: 4 DAYS
Keeping the website alive It is imperative that we, The Community, keep the website alive, relevant and dynamic. For this purpose The Council and Infonia, needs ideas, inputs, feedback, usage and inspiration.